Friday, February 23, 2007


First of all, it is just a little past the middle of February and we are currently experiencing a thunderstorm. Thunder, lightening--all of it. It's pretty awesome! :-D

I'm still sick. Ha, no surprise there. My fever is down I think, but I am still oh-so-very congested. There have been a couple times where I cough so hard and for so long there'll be tears coming out of my eyes. My throat hurts from all the coughing. The worst part was after I woke up this morning. I was coughing so hard and there was so much gunk in my lungs that it blocked my airway which made it hard to try and inhale so I could cough some more.

I just wanna get better NOW. :-P

Also, band run-out has been postponed so I don't have to worry about missing it! Yay!

Okay, back to watching The Prestige. :-)

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