Saturday, February 24, 2007

Q. Am I better yet?

A. No.

Q. Why not?

A. I don't know!

I think the worst part about being sick is being kept apart from others. I mean, I don't want to give anyone else this cold... I understand the need for the "keep your distance, I'm sick."-attitude. But it still sucks. So here I sit. Sick and alone.

It's not like my friends aren't doing their best to help me get better... Duane took me to Wal-mart to fill my prescription. Brett, Rachel D. and Jenna all brought me soup. Rachel D. and Jenna also brought me tea. Leah bought me a bagel and grapes from the Den and she keeps after me to see if I need anything. I appreciate all of it. I really really do! I just am impatient to get better!

My roommate has been gone all night. Practicing in the FAC and now she is out watching a movie with her music therapy friends. The times she was in the room, I was in bed dozing because I hardly slept during actual "night time" hours. Meaning I went to bed at 1:30 am and I woke-up at 3:30 am and couldn't fall asleep again until 6 am. I looked at the meds the doctor gave me, and insomnia isn't on the list of side effects, so I don't know why I was up. I just know it wasn't fun. I played Cubis on my iPod for about an hour.

Things are just harder when you're sick. :-(

I want to get better so I can be around people again.

...I was thinking about Twilight and Edward Cullen... (Ha, again... Because that book series is Ah-may-zing!) Wasn't Influenza what Edward was dying from, before Carlisle changed him? (Don't freak out people, I'm not dying.) *sigh* Edward Cullen......... *dreamy look*

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