Thursday, February 22, 2007


I have influenza. That's right. The Flu. And I am right on the borderline of the 48 hours when the meds might be able to treat it. Otherwise I have to stick it out.


I had a fever of 101 at the doctors office. Because of that, I'm not allowed to go anywhere unless absolutely necessary and I have doctor's orders not to go to class until I am fever free for 24 hours. This could potentially mean that I don't get to go on band run-out this year... Which means I don't get to play Punchinello again. Life sucks. :-( :-( :-(

I really should eat something... I haven't had anything all day... Usually I'm starving... It's weird to not be physically hungry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, that's no fun :( I love you and I hope you feel better!