Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm sick....

I think I got about 5 hours of sleep... I woke up freezing cold, curled into a ball under my giant fuzzy blanket, my flannel sheet, my other blanket and my thick Harry Potter comforter...

I have a fever. Right now it's about 100 degrees. But seeing as how I am always cold, having a fever makes it ten times worse.

I also ache all over and I have a splitting headache. I have taken some ibuprofen, so well see if that alleviates any of these symptoms. My chest is also way congested.

Not cool.

I just got done talking to my mom about being sick... I pretty much cried the whole time. I don't have time for being sick!!!!!!

I had to call all my professors and tell them that I won't be coming into class today... THAT was fun. :-(

I feel so cruddy... And I have so much homework to do!!!

I also don't feel hungry at all, which I know isn't good.

This is when I wish we had a futon where I could just crash and watch TV instead of having to climb up into my loft if I want to lay down.

... I'm going to go crawl back into my hole now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah!! OH NO!!!
It'll be ok...
*comforting hug*
Just take your virus fighting vitamins and don't anything crazy like running around outside without clothes on and all should be well.
I love you.
Don't panic.
These things always work themselves out, even if you don't think they will.
*comforting hug Part 2*