Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Rest of Dr. Black's sarcastic wit...

Okay, so now that finals are over, and I have finshed my History of Science class, here are the rest of the quotes said by Dr. Black that I was able to write down. The first half of quotes can be found HERE.

Dr. Black: People thought the moon was made of cheese AFTER Galileo.
Student: They had cheese?
Dr. B.: YES! They had cheese! Cheese had already been invented--no I won't put it in the lecture... It was invented some time----I don't want to talk about it anymore!. -Dr. Black discussing Galileo's observations about the moon.

"Believe it or not, Galileo didn't have flashlights." -Dr. B discussing trying to measure light.

"There is going to be a town here---and we're going to call it---Steve." -Dr. B. talking about the Rail Roads in America.

"There was a tulip mania---the Dutch love tulips---it was like 'tulip-a-looza'!"-Dr. B. talking about enchange rates.

"This is what I call the 'Bigger Idiot Theory'- you buy something and then go find a bigger idiot to pay you more for it." -Dr. B. on inflation.

"Your mind is kind of like---a little guy---driving your body around." -Dr. B. discussing the different views on how the brain and body relate and interact with eachother.

"It looks like Packman throwwing up!" -Rachel V. after Dr. Black drew a picture of a spermatzoa on the chalk board. We were gonna talk about "the origin of species".

"Mary switched everyone back to Catholosism---she had 1000 people burned for being Prodistant. That's why they called her 'Bloody Mary'. She didn't last very long. Her sister, Elizabeth switched everything BACK to Prodestantism. This confused people." -Dr. B on British History.

"[Isaac Newton] died penniless and insane--- actually he was rich, but he was insane. He was foaming at the mouth and biting people." -Dr. B. summing up Newton's life.

"When people call me Danny I like to point out that the last person to call me that was my Grandmother and she's dead." -Dr. (Daniel) B. before class banter.

"Remember Judas Iscariot? Well, things didn't turn out so well for him..." -Dr. B. discussing religious implications.

"Okay, what I think Dewy was talking about was...... Poptarts.... Mmmm... They're the food of the gods..." -Dr. B. eating a poptart before class as we got ready to talk about the Dewy Decimal System.

"The nice things about wood is that it litterally grows on trees." -Dr. B. and the use of energy.

"I want to marry him!!! I want to marry him and have little Scottish babies!!! With diapers made from tartans! That would be soooo cute!!!" -Rachel V. discussing the hottness that is David Tennant!

"If you're not good, you're not gonna get cake. I know you're not gonna get cake, but still. If you're not good, you're not gonna get cake." -Dr. B. before class banter.

"What--you mock me? I will not be mocked! ...But if you keep it up I guess there's nothing I can do about it..." Dr. B. before class banter.

"Words have gender. People have sex." -Dr. B. talking about pronouns during a discussion about the origins of man.

"All living things die? ...So all we have to do is look for dead things and ask them what they were?" -Dr. B. asking us what defines life and species.

"I'll take 'Obscure Greek Philosophers for 200,' please Alex." -Dr. B. talking about Aristotle.

"Ah-ha! They MULTIPLY! Well, except for those that divide... Like single celled organisms." -Dr. B. discussing what defines life.

"Wow... It's like life according to Bugs Bunny." -Dr. B. during class banter.

"All mules are sterile. There are no mommy mules." -Dr. Black discussing animal reproduction within species.

"How do we find out if we're members of the same species? Right, we produce fertile offspring... I guess we'll have a lab." -Dr. B. on reproduction. (He was joking, just FYI... We did not have a lab exploring this particular topic.)

"Have you ever played the electronic game "20 Questions"? It's so crazy! It's asks you all these obscure questions and then it goes booooop and gets the answer... Yet another example of how I can spend $10 and buy something smarter then me." -Dr. B. before class banter.

"People believed Malthus---it looked scientific... He had formulas and graphs and everything!" -Dr. B. discussing Malthus's Population Theory.

"It's like drugs for girls! ...I mean, drugs are for all people, but cookie dough is like drugs for girls!" -Rachel V. talking about sharing a cookie dough log.

"Back in the 90's the internet was occupied by real nerds--because they were the only ones who knew that it exsisted." -Dr. B. and the progression of current technology.

"Did you know that there was an organization on the internet for the preservation of gravity? 'We're running out of gravity! You pick up a weight and you use up gravity--soon we'll all float away! Did you know that the Apollo moon launch used up more gravity then the entire 14th century?" -Dr. B. making fun of the gravity organization.

"As promised, I'll now do the entire 20th Century in five minutes." -Dr. B. running out of class time.

"Research has proven that research works." -Dr. B. during class banter.

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