Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'll take Hell Week for $1000, please Alex

This cough is getting worse... I've lost count of how many people have asked me if I'm feeling okay, if I'm getting better, said they hoped I would get better soon or commented on how pale I look. This cold sucks.

I was up til 2 am last night. Working on my music theory composition until security kicked us out of the FAC at 1:30. I didn't sleep very well since I was coughing all night. My alarm went off at 6:45 am and I got out of bed a half hour later. I went to the FAC printed my composition and analyzed the chords in class until it was my turn to perform it. I like my piece... But I know I'm going to get points taken away since I was unable to work a Neopolitan Six chord in the piece. I ran out of time. I got the modulation to and back and mode mixutre... But not the N6... *sigh*

I e-mailed the professor of my 10:45 class and apologized for my absence and I took a nap. I feel functional now.

I survived my piano lesson.

This is my Finals Schedule:

Monday December 11:

8:30-10:30 am—History of Science Final

10:26 am—Piano Basic Skills Proficiency Test

12:07 pm— Flute Jury

1:30-3:30 am—Music Theory III Final

Tuesday December 12:

11:30 am-1:30 pm—Lifespan Human Development

6:30-8:30 pm— IS 201 American Sign Language

I am done with all my finals Tuesday night. I plan on staying on campus until Friday... Mainly just to enjoy being a bum and to take advantage of my bored plan. Plus, no one at home will be back from break either and everyone here is staying through Friday.

Ted's mom sent him Superman Returns in the mail and Jesse found someone on their floor who has the Indiana Jones movies. I shall probably watch those next week too.

I want to go to the $1 Movie Knight.... I want to see Deja Vu or Casino Royale... But the movies aren't until 11:30 at night. I need to sleep.... I'm sick.... But I want to go...... And I know I posed the idea on Sunday when we went to Perkins... But now I know I shouldn't go... Gah! It's times like this that I hate being in charge of myself! It's so much easier to get mad at a parent when they tell you no. :-( I've gotten really good at trying to justify things that I want to do, versus things that I need to do.... Sleep. No movie knight. Sleep. And I can't let myself try and justify going. I have a million more things to do! (Don't let me go! I can't! Don't let me try and talk myself into it!)

I don't want to grow up anymore.

In other news: Pirates of the Caribbean III: At Worlds End comes out in theatres May 25th 2007. This makes me very very very happy. I just can't express it very well since I'm sick. A big thank-you to Rachel D. for informing me of this! *hugs*

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