Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Okay, so I admit that it's pretty much ridiculous that I'm so cold that I am now sitting here, with socks, slippers, long sleeved shirt, blanket, a hot cup of tea, plus my winter coat, since my sweatshirt is in the dryer... I'd be wearing gloves too, but then I can't use the touchpad on my laptop. It's 30 degrees outside and 65 in here.

Like I said... Ridiculous... Even more so in the fact that I want snow ooooh so very much!

Today Jessica came home from Drake and there was much rejoicing! She stopped by briefly on her way to her dentist and then we hung out for the rest of the day afterwards! It was really awesome and I've missed her to no end! I helped her unpack and then we redecorated this doll-house-thing she has in her room, getting it all ready for Christmas! Then we took about 15 pictures of the two of us doing weird and silly things... Yeah... Those will probably end up on Facebook soon... Then we met up with Julia at the theatre in town and saw the movie "Flicka". Soooooo good.... A definate "girly" movie... It's a different kind of chick-flick, so I was okay with it. No romance in the main character. Lots of awesome horses though. Excellent! :-) I must admit, Jessica, Julia and I were all crying at the end... Heh... Yeah, it was a girly movie.

Then I went back with Jessica to her house, intending to catch the 2nd half of the Doctor Who episode I watched while I was dogsitting, but alas, I thought it was on at 10 pm, however, in reality it was on at 9.... Oh well.

And now I'm here. In my winter coat. And I just saved tons and tons of icons off of livejoural. It's kind of addiciting...

It's nice that life seems okay sometimes.

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