Friday, December 29, 2006


This is a random list of my personality quirks and preferences... No one is obligated to read it... It's more for me to organize my thoughts and to square with some of the things I struggle with...

I like to draw, but I don't have time and I can tell that the skill I worked hard to develop in high school has diminished.

I have a weird and sometimes morbid sense of humor. It's usually not very hard to make me laugh.

I'm ticklish. Sometimes this is an understatement.

I don't like how stupid/trivial things make me mad sometimes.

I like to make up stories, although the stories I have rarely end up on paper.

Sometimes I wonder about weird things… Like, in stories why does the younger brother of the king ALWAYS have to be bad? And do penguins taste good? (Can you even eat penguins?)

I love music to a ridiculous extent. It's something I can't convey with an adequate measurement. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't a music major… I love performing music and listening to music and talking about music with my friends…

…But WHY is making time to practice so hard for me? Why do I let myself put if off so often? Why does the innate need to practice kick in when finals are two weeks away and not at the beginning of the semester?

I'm very lazy, very often and that makes things hard sometimes. It's easy to let procrastination run my life.

I often succeed at making my life 10 times more difficult then it needs to be. Why is that?

I also seem to have a keen ability to create awkward situations for myself.

Sometimes I think positive attention is my heroin and jealousy is my worst withdrawal symptom.

I think Katherine Hepburn's role in Desk Set would be my ideal character to play on stage.

I'm not used to having people around me who actively try to cheer me up when I'm having a bad day.

I enjoy intellectual humor. As well as British humor, and humor that involves "geeky" stuff, like Lord of the Rings and STAR WARS.

I'm a sucker for a happy ending.

I hate being by myself, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to do things on my own.

I'm not used to having friends who are there for me and want to help me get through my problems.

It still feels new and unusual to me have friends who want to do things with me, who will wait for me when I have stuff going on, and who want to visit me when I'm away.

I'm actually incredibly nosy and curious, but I think I've just gotten a little better at judging when I should ask "What's going on?" when overhearing other conversations and when to let things slide, even though I desperately want to know.

My life would be so much easier if I didn't get so COLD all the time.

Most of the time I just feel smart enough to get by.

Sometimes jokes and sarcasm are my way of hiding my insecurities.

It takes a lot for me to actually show when I am mad/upset. It takes even more for me to actually cry in front of other people. Movies don't count.

Sometimes I wish I knew if a guy was trying to win my affections or just simply wanting to get to know me better.

I am very impatient.

Sometimes scrolling through Facebook makes me a little depressed.

At school I see couples of all sorts and wonder when it'll be my turn.

I am a dog person, but I do enjoy cats as well.

I'm a sucker for a guy who can sing.

My favorite color is green.

I am a city girl who loves horses and wants to learn how to ride them one day.

I am scared of heights, but not flying.

I tend to overanalyze things… Although I work hard trying to keep it from getting out of control.

9 times out of 10 I will choose an action-adventure movie over a chick-flick.

Sometimes I don't know what to think, and that bothers me.

Sometimes I forget how lucky I really am.

Sometimes I like to people-watch.

I'm very bossy and independent… Sometimes this makes it hard for me to ask for help.

I've realized that it's kind of silly to say "When I grow up, I want to be—" now that I'm twenty years old…

I get mad sometimes when people can't deal with their own problems. Ever.

I like to try and understand the motivations of others.

Sometimes it seems that my life is just as messed up as anyone else's… But I think I'm just better at hiding it.

Sometimes people in general just make me mad at the world.

I don't like being blunt.

I struggle with feelings of inadequacy.

I hate how hormones make me moody.

I'm oddly opinionated.

My life is tough and it's often hard for me to plough through alone.

I really have no clue what I'm doing. But I've gotten better at bluffing.

I get really frustrated when people tell me I'm better off being single.

I hate being excluded/left out.

I have a temper… It just takes a lot to get it going.

I don't like seeing my friends sad or unhappy.

Sometimes I talk too much.

Why does it seem like I am the one who thinks of and remembers the little things that turn out to be important?

I wish I had the courage to ask people from my past WHAT they were thinking and WHY did they do that to me.

Sometimes I get tired of being confused with my younger sister.

Sometimes I really hate not having a car.

Fiction books are my escape.

I hate student loans.

I can be bitingly sarcastic.

I am naïve.

I don't think I show it very often, but sometimes I have problems dealing with people who also have dominant personalities like mine.

Sometimes I feel socially inept.

I often feel scared that I won't be loved or accepted.

I wish I had been to more high school dances… more then just one at least…

Sometimes it's hard for me to deal with my friends getting really cool, awesome expensive gifts when I know that there's no way on earth my family could afford to give me anything like that.

I don't like not being the best at everything.

I would love to learn how to fence.

My experiences in high school have conditioned me to often wonder why on earth would people want to hang out with me.

I am very independent… And yet I struggle with being single. How does that work?

I miss being in jazz band.

It's hard for me to judge how much I've grown/matured, although I do acknowledge that I've changed.

I have a "bird-dog" personality.

I wish I knew how to swing dance. And just dance in general.

I have control issues… I've lost count how of many times I've had to remind myself that God needs to be in charge of my life, not me.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i'm putting this here because i didn't want to ruin it...
but i find it highly amusing how the post where you mentioned the seven thing in harry potter now has seven comments.