Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rainy Wednesday...

It has been raining all day. I think that is completely stupid, and depressing. I want snow! 5 days till Christmas and all we have to show for it is mud and dead grass. Does this mean we're going to have snow from, like, February to May? That really wouldn't make me very happy either...

Tonight for dinner we had goose and pheasant. It was good! I haven't had pheasant since before 1999.

Hmmm... The movie Flicka has made me miss having long hair... I kind of want to start growing mine out again... But it takes so long! And there's always that stage in the middle, where it's just below my shoulders and it's all bushy and hard to manage... And starting growing it out now means that it's gonna be getting long as the summer comes along....

And I'm still coughing a little... That's not really cool.

I'm not tired of my family yet, which is good, although home life is a little boring... I need to start on the Christmas presents for my family, and go to Jo-Ann Fabrics to get fleece.

I am halfway through Eragon! I really like that book! I think the 1st time I tried to read it I was still going strong on my Harry Potter kick and so I found it boring in comparison. Reading it now, I find it a very good epic story.

Sometimes I read other people's blogs and I wish I could write like they do... With poems and lyrics and little stories that would only make sense to me. Maybe it would make me seem deep and intellectual. But my brain doesn't think and organize that way. I don't think I'm shallow, but my life, thoughts and opinions often seem ordinary and mundane.

I guess we're going to finish the rest of my brother, Matthew's birthday... Even though it was back in October...

Then I think I'm going to start writing again. I miss it, and even though I don't have a solid plot, I'm just going to write and write and deal with the jumble of words later. Maybe I can have an adventure by living vicariously through the characters I write about....


Rachel said...

of course, our own thoughts and opinions and whatnot always seems ordinary and mundane to us.
i don't exactly view everything you post that way, not by a long shot.
wouldn't it be nice if we could all view ourselves, at least once, from the perspective of someone else...see what it is about us we always seem to overlook or not notice...

Laura said...

oh sarah. you are not mundane. you are interesting because you are so honest! half of what i write is encoded because i am afraid people will read it and know what i am thinking. if i could write like you do, people would see right through me. i envy you and your honesty, baby.

and yeah, we should get together over break because i miss you. and sometime we have to camp out somewhere and tell our stories.

love you lots. yay for surviving finals!