Friday, December 22, 2006

"Punk music is a joke... It's really just Baroque"

Okay, many thanks to Amanda N. for posting this in her livejournal... I'm posting it here because it's hilarious.... I am addicted to it. Seriously. I've lost count how many times I've listened to it. I also posted it on Facebook and on my Myspace.

This video... I can't get over it... The first time I watched it... even through the 3rd time... I was shaking with silent laughter and crying... This 5 minute 12 second movie is the epitome of the hilarity that is my music geekiness....


I'm seriously reveling in the sheer hilarity of this video. There's no other way to describe it!

Oh! And many thanks to Rachel D. for notifying me of the title for the 7th Harry Potter book! (I know *gasp* I found out from someone else... Well, I was out for the day, so there.) It's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Not AS exciting (in my opinion) to me as The Order of the Pheonix or The Half Blood Prince, but I'm not JK Rowling... I am willing, however, to put money on the fact that the release date of the 7th book will be July 7, 2007.... 7/7/07... You know... 7th book, Harry's 17th birthday and 7th year at Hogwarts... etc...


Isaac Mahomie said...

Hmm... A sequence of 7's huh?
Sounds like J.K. Rowling watched The Omen.
Evidence that Harry is actually evil? And the anti-christ?

Sarah said...

Congratulations Isaac, your timing is impecable. You comment about something you know we disagree on, which happens to fall on the time I'm PMS-ing.

I've seen The Omen and Harry Potter is not evil. Nor is he the Anti-Christ. The number 7, other then being the number of the 7 Deadly Sins (and also, may I point out, the 7 Virtues) has no "demonic" relation. 777 is not the same as 666.

And I've stopped harping on you for not reading the books. It's your choice. But why can't you accept the fact that not every one limits themselves to liturature that can be strongly related to biblical text? It is entirely possible for someone to enjoy a series solely baised on intellectual stimulation of the imagination through plot, sub-plot and character development, not to mention the bits of reference to folklore that go into the Harry Potter series, which helps add an even deeper aspect to the plot of the story.

Apanda said...

You go Sarah!!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon people it Christmas. Be nice and cheerful! =:-D

Isaac Mahomie said...

hahaha. Oh my. Sarah, your responces never cease to amaze me. Yes, I know that my timing is impeccable. -even though it creates a lot of stress, that ironic side to myself usually causes a lot of growth, in one way or another.-

You know I was just kidding, right? I think you did. Anyway, I am also excited to hear about Harry's epic climax. (though not nearly as excited as you)

Sarah said...

Well, now I can see how you were kidding, but when I first read it after you posted it... Well, as you can see it really irked me... Maybe include a smiley next time or something :-P LOL...

Isaac Mahomie said...

haha... yeah. I have to remember that I don't sound the same when not in person. :) *shrug*