Monday, April 13, 2009

Something slightly disgusting...

I would like to state for the record that burping the flavor of the banana I had for breakfast laced with the flavor of the super-garlic mashed potatoes I had with lunch is quite possibly the weirdest combination of tastes I have ever experienced. If ANYONE ever gets the urge to put garlic on bananas I must say, DON'T DO IT!

On an entirely different note:

Yesterday I watched the movie "Going My Way" starring Bing Crosby... I love that movie... I haven't seen it for years and years... Like.... Since I was 12... I definitely teared up at the end... :-) I caught a lot more of the jokes this time 'round. You know, now being 22 and all... This is my favorite quote. It's from the beginning of the movie when the elderly Irish priest, Father Fitzgibbon is talking with the man who holds the mortgage, who is trying to explain that if the church doesn't make good on their 6 overdue payments he'll have to foreclose the church.

Mr. Haines: Oh, surely Father! People can be generous, if you ask them!
Fr. Fitzgibbon: Oh, sure, sure, and they have!
Mr: Haines: Well, maybe they need a reminder! Why don't you just make it the topic of your next sermon?
Fr. Fitzgibbon: Oh and a fine topic tha- t'would be.... "The topic of today's sermon is taken from..... The mortgage."

That makes me smile. :-)

Also, I have a cute new haircut. :-) Pictures soon.

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