Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A post on a dreary day...

Okay, so it's raining pretty hard outside today so I didn't get to go run. Maybe if it clears up this evening I'll go but right now it doesn't look like it. I've been working up to jogging a mile straight through and I'm almost there. I might have reached that goal yesterday, but there was a strong North wind that made it difficult. I guess I'll pick up running again tomorrow.

Winter term grades are in! I passed all my classes! YES! :-D AND nothing lower than a B- in all of my classes! (And I only got one of those!) I didn't just scrape by! HOOO-RAY! :-D

I get my hair cut today! I'm also getting it highlighted. I want my hair about the length it was when I got it cut back in August, so it'll be layered and just below my ears, with enough left for me to pull out of my face. It curls nicely when it's that short, and it'll be easy to take care of when I go to New York for my Intro to Theatre class... Which is.... in about a week and a half! AHHH! I'm so excited! :-D

My silly iTunes player is bent on trying to play Christmas music as I listen to the "party shuffle" option. :-P

Okay, so besides Rachel V. I don't think anyone that reads my blog is a Doctor Who fan... Sad... Rachel V. is in Denver and I REALLY want to talk about the awesomeness of the new series! It's pretty intense... Maybe I'll have to try and convert someone this summer... I'm already excited about building a Dalek over May Term.... It will be awesome! (Although after "Daleks in Manhattan Part I" I'm even more creeped out by them.)

Rachel V. and I are also talking about the possibility of going to Chicago over part of Thanksgiving break for the Doctor Who convention. Which would be AWESOME! We both want to buy a Sonic Screwdriver. *is a dork* I also found out from Rachel D. that John Williams is also conducting the Chicago Symphony Orchestra again that weekend! Possible double-whammy? (Rachel V.'s mom is also convinced that things like building a Dalek and other obsessive behaviors surrounding Doctor Who are part of the reasons we both are still single. Sooo I figure we should go to the convention and meet geeky Doctor Who boys. Hahaha....)

Okay, that's all I have to say right now. Since it's raining its a good opportunity to continue on my quest to finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again... I haven't read that book for a couple years... There are lots of little things I'm catching.... Phrases, words I've never seen before... It's awesome. :-)

Gah.... iTunes is now trying to play music from The Polar Express.... :-P

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