Friday, April 20, 2007


Hello! This is Leah and Sarah! Today was our last day of finals for the 2nd semester of our sophomore year! We survived all our tests! YAY!

We decided to celebrate by spending the night in the very building we have devoted our lives too. That's right. The FAC.

We hid through the security check and now we are chillin' out! We tried popping popcorn in the microwave in the student lounge, but we burnt it, because the microwave is ancient. It blew a hole through the bag. It was pretty spectacular. We can't say we've ever seen popcorn really do that. Our first instinct was to clean it up and throw it away, however we realized that the smell of burnt popcorn would be suspicious, so we will clean it up in the morning.

Rachel V. and Margie were supposed to join us too, but they backed out.

Also, earlier tonight, to celebrate the end of finals Jesse, Ted, Duane, Leah and I burned some of our text books! YES! It was AWESOME! Lots and lots of fire! There is a little grill in the "U" of the Complex and we popped popcorn as we burned various textbooks, handbooks, tests, bank statements and music. Leah and I burned our Horvit ear training workbooks. It was so gratifying to see them BURN! We ended up popping about 4 giants bowls of popcorn. But 2 of them were burnt and gross. So we dumped them on the grill above the fire. Popcorn burns really well! It was pretty much awesome!

Well, Leah and I are going to watch a movie. That is all for our current, very dorky, music major, semi-illegal adventures! Have a good break everyone!

Leah and Sarah

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