Thursday, March 19, 2009

Self-inflicted anxiety...

I can't control my brain. I've been trying for the past week... It's going crazy into over-drive, analyzing every little thing over and over. Things that probably mean nothing. I'm probably just being ridiculous.

I think this is the hard part about long distance relationships.

I just... Can't think about anything else... And I feel so stressed that I've been having trouble falling asleep the past couple nights and all day today I've had this funky stomach ache.

I haven't had this happen since high school--allowing myself to become so stressed I felt sick--and that was performance anxiety whenever I had a music audition...

The things I keep telling myself aren't working anymore.


Also, I went to a mandatory meeting regarding my student loans. There's a chance that I won't get my loans paid off until I'm almost 50 years old. I'm not even joking.

Maybe I need a lobotomy.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

"It consists of cutting the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex. In some cases an instrument which was essentially an ice-pick—and sometimes an actual kitchen ice-pick was used with a carpenter's hammer—was simply passed through the eye-socket and struck with a hammer when in the right position. These procedures result in major personality changes beyond what is desired, and can cause severe mental disabilities."
"the procedure has since been characterized "as one of the most barbaric mistakes ever perpetrated by mainstream medicine"."
Compliments of Wikipedia.
Lobotomies are BAD.
And, they can cause this:
"Rosemary Kennedy, the sister of President John F. Kennedy, was given a lobotomy when her father complained to doctors about the 23-year-old's moodiness. Dr. Walter Freeman personally performed the procedure. Rather than any improvement, however, the lobotomy reduced Rosemary to an infantile mentality including incontinence. Her verbal skills were reduced to unintelligible babble."
Don't get one. =[