Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lameness and nerdiness...

Today in philosophy I realized that I have 12 more days until my recital.

And I have bronchitis. Lame lame lame.... I can't really play through any of my music straight through without having to stop and cough. Which is not cool, because I should be working on building up stamina so I can survive through all of my music. Not to mention working to get everything up to tempo.

Shoot. I also need to figure out if my dress fits, make invitations, and figure out what the heck I'm going to do with my hair.

I'm trying not to run around being like "AHHHHH!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING! THE WORLD IS COMING TO AND END!" I mean, the world isn't really coming to an end. I'm just tired.... Bryan O. just put it so eloquently this morning, "I've lost my motivation... If you see it on the floor, please come and get me. I want it back."

And homework is eating my soul. Not literally. But I don't want to do it.

Awesome random conversation of the day... About zombies, what else?:

Me: Head Cheese?
Rachel D.: What? No that's not what I said...
Me: Oh... I thought I heard you say 'head cheese.' ....... What if there was a brain scented air freshener....? Like a "brain spray".....
Rachel D.: Wha-aaat?
Me: Head Cheese Febreeze! ....... OR Fbrains! It's like Febreeze, but brain scented!
Rachel D.: *laughs* What would you use it for?
Me: For zombies! Like, if there's a zombie apocalypse and you wanted to go zombie hunting. It's like deer hunting... You use deer scent for the deer. You use brains for zombies...... But I suppose if it was a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't want something that would attract zombies... Maybe it's a zombie repellent!
Rachel D.: And it would smell like cheese and you could spray yourself and the zombies wouldn't be able to find you!
Me: Uh... No... I don't think it would smell like cheese....
Rachel D.: Well... Okay, maybe you could spray a tree and the zombies would attack the tree and you could get away.
Me: Yeah.

I still don't like this bronchitis. My stomach muscles hurt from coughing.

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