Thursday, March 12, 2009

Crazy dream...

Last night I had this awesome, crazy random dream that I found Jack Sparrow's leather coat in my closet... I mean, in my dream I had never met Jack Sparrow, or seen him or whatever. But I knew it was his coat. Also, I was the age I am now, but our house was what it was like before we remodeled in 1999... So Mary and I were still sharing a room.

Anyway, so I had Jack Sparrow's leather coat, and the first thing I do is go through the pockets. And I find... Jack Sparrow's identification papers... In a kind of beat-up leather billfold that was all priatey-ified... And.... 3 DVD discs from the TV series Firefly.

Yes. You read that correctly. I found 3 DVDs of Firefly in Jack Sparrows coat.

But it gets weirder.

So I'm holding this coat, and I think... "Ohhhh.... Barbossa will want this back... Maybe I could hold it for ransom and get some money!" but then I realize that if I tried to do that Barbossa would probably show up at my house and kill everyone. So I decide to just return it...

By throwing it in.... the LAKE. Like, Clear Lake.

Which I somehow decided to carry out by convincing my parents that we ALL should go swimming. In the middle of the night.

Um... Luckily the moon was out, so it was really bright. And where we were swimming happened to be super shallow. So I just waded out really far and then threw the coat, (leaving the contents of the pockets intact) into the lake, where it sunk to the bottom.

And then I woke up.

And had the track "One Last Shot" from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie stuck in my head all through my 7:45 philosophy class. It was very very distracting.

Really... I'm not making any of that up... My brain is.... so.... WEIRD sometimes!

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