Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It's definitely a perk, and not a "job."

My jobs are more like:

1. To pray for him.
-God happens to be a big part in both of our lives. We both need all the help we can get. :-)
2. To be supportive.
-Life is weird and crazy... But I'm here... Always a phone call away, at least.
2. To be encouraging.
-Everyone needs someone who believes in them. To remind them to keep going.
3. Listen to things he has to say.
-Sometimes there are days and situations where a person just can't take it anymore. Or maybe it's just a different opinion. Whatever it is, I'm ready to listen.
5. To remind him.
-Of how much I love him.
-Annnnd maybe that sometimes we both need sleep. :-)
6. To make him laugh.
-Because it makes me so happy to hear it.
7. To be myself.
-Which is 100x easier when I am with him.

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