Thursday, March 05, 2009

5th Dimenstional Marbles

First of all, since I haven't posted for a while I should say, if you don't already know (through Facebook or something) I passed my preview with flying colors! My committee told me that was the best they had heard me play. :-) Which is made doubly awesome considering the fact that my ears were plugged and I could hardly tell if I was in tune or not. I'm really glad that I passed and I am now all set to go on with my recital on the 28th.

Okay, so break is nice. :-) Hanging our with my Bethel friends is very nice. Hanging out with Luke is pretty much awesome! I care if a lot of it is spent sitting on his bed reading, while he does homework. That's totally okay. It's just super nice to see him and be with him.... And way better than just simply being at home.

I've read quite a few books so far... A couple Father Brown mysteries, The Giver, I finished Paper Towns (finally...) and I'm in the middle of reading the most recent Tolkien novel, The Children of Hurin. It's really good! I'll probably finish it today. I have some Doctor Who novels which will probably be next.

Tonight Luke and I and Luke's roommates are all going to the midnight premiere of The Watchmen. It should be pretty freaking fantastic! I'm super excited. They got the tickets through a local comic book store, so there's a "party" like event before the actual movie that we're all going to. A couple of Luke's roommates are dressing up--one as Rorschach, another as Dr. Manhattan (50s era... with clothes don't worry) and one as The Comedian.

I like being around super nerdy people. :-)

Luke and I played Halo 3 the other day. That was fun, I hadn't played at all since high school and that was just player vs. player... It wasn't the actual game. We got to level 3 before the disc stopped working because it had a scratch.

We've also played Gloom, Settlers of Katan and Gin. Luke has won them all except for one of the 3 games of Gin. That was me. :-) I really like playing Gin.

Okay, I need to go and take a shower and meet Amanda for lunch, but before I sign off, check out this awesome blog! Cake Wrecks! It is so fantastically crazy... Or sometimes WHAT were these people THINKING?

1 comment:

Apanda said...

I'm happy you came to visit. I wish I had said goodbye to you in person though. :(

Oh, and: