Thursday, February 05, 2009

A blog post of updated proportions...

Okay, I finally have a free moment, so I decided it was about time that I blogged. :-) Not that anyone has to read this, merely to serve as a review for future reference. Someday I know I will go... Hmmm... February 5th 2009... What was I doing... And then I'll look back and find this post and see that I haven't really done all that much that's terribly interesting. And yet, here I am blogging. :-P

I survived Meistersinger weekend. We hosted some students and discovered the next morning that they had flooded our bathroom.... Clearly not checking to see if the shower curtain had been tucked into the shower before they used it... And then using MY towel to try and mop it up... All without telling us. I'm not mad, I think it's kind of funny. It totally could have gone worse. And it's not like I'll have to host Meistersingers again ever. The concert went well on Sunday, both for the WCCB and for the two honor bands.

I didn't get to watch much of the Superbowl because I had to go to a MENC meeting and then to work.

I got my big capstone paper finished Monday evening, at 11:8pm. Rachel D. helped proofread it. I presented it yesterday and it went fairly well. It is very nice to have that done and out of the way, even though it made life stressful for a while. I'm glad I started it when I did.

Tuesday I had my job interview and I survived that as well. I think it went fine. It was a lot less scary than I thought it was going to be. The school will call me sometime next week whether or not I get the job. *crosses fingers*

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and that was nothing short of extremely frustrating. I mean, the doctor was nice and very knowledgeable, and the staff were very helpful and extremely pleasant. But the appointment ended up only being a consultation and evaluation of my symptoms. The doctor didn't want to do any adjustments because he's leaving today for a weekend seminar and if I need him later he wouldn't be around. Blah. So I made another appointment for next Tuesday and then cried in the car all the way to Wal-mart where I bought Haagen-Dasz chocolate ice cream. And printer paper and caffeine-free mint tea.

I forgot to buy Kleenexes and more conversation hearts. I'm at the end of my 3rd bag since January 2nd. I also need to buy construction paper and glue.

According to the chiropractor, I have a bone in my shoulder that is out of alignment which could be pinching a nerve in my spine that leads to my fingers. He said it was possible that this could also be causing the muscle fatigue I've been experiencing in my arms. (And now my legs... Walking up the stairs today was really tiring. Wartburg-Track-and-Field?!) What was dumb was that since my fingers were feeling tingly, the doctor suggested that this could be due to a major nerve that goes over my elbow to be pinched whenever I bend my arm... So he told me to try and not bend my elbow as much... And then asked me why I was looking at him like he was crazy. So I pointed out that I play the flute, and not bending my elbows as much... is like, next to impossible. So he told me to maybe put an ice pack on my elbows for a while, if they get bad. :-P He also said maybe I should start exercising to strengthen my muscles, because I might have just "overdone it" and they suddenly just went caput, even though I've been playing my flute for almost 12 years.

I just really hope Tuesday's appointment helps fix this.... Or at least start to turn around my problems. My back and shoulders hurt off and on all the time, and slowly get worse each day, it seems like. I take the pain meds the campus doctor prescribed to me, but like I said. Hiding the problem doesn't make it go away. I just really really really really really hope that this isn't something that could make it so I can't play for my preview/senior recital/the rest of my life...

You know.... I wonder if these problems aren't from student teaching... Not from moving equipment like marimbas, timpani, tubas and drum sets... But from being tense all the time while I was conducting.... And then being tense from playing my flute... Lovely. I bet that's it. Why didn't it occur to me before? :-P

Something else that was not cool: last night the Mensa had chicken tenders on the menu for dinner... But they CHANGED it and served chicken Kiev instead! Which is NOT the SAME! Chicken tenders are the best meal the Mensa has and Rachel D. and I were not happy that it was changed. Laaaaaaame.

This morning I had a test in Orchestration, which was not very hard and all I have left to really do is practice my flute (which I am not looking forward to...) and catch up on the reading for my philosophy class. And catch up on sleep.

Tomorrow after class, Rachel D., Jill, Emily and I'm not sure who else, are going to go to Dillard's to try on dresses. Just for fun! :-) It's prom season, so there should plenty of things to try on... After Dillard's we're going to go out for dinner and ice cream. It'll be a fun "girly night" thing. :-)

This weekend is I <3 Music Day. I have no comment for this activity that I am forced to participate in.

On Sunday the Rachels and I are going to go see Inkheart. :-) That should be pretty fun too!

Okay, that's all really for now.... How's this for a nice little update?

1 comment:

Rae said...

Yay Inkheart!!!
Oh and....
*arms up*
Church of England!