Sunday, February 08, 2009

A list:

All I want right now is:

1. It to be spring break. Now. Right..... Now. Now please? I want go visit Luke!
2. Know what I'm going to do with my life. Annnnd knowing if I'm going to be successful would me nice too.
3. My shoulders/arms to be fixed and better.
4. A back rub.
5. Pass my recital preview with flying colors.
6. Stop feeling so "blah." I know why I'm feeling "blah" but I hate waiting for it to go away.

I'm so.... Restless... The weather has been so nice this weekend! I want to do something... I want to have some sort of grand, hilarious adventure.... But I don't know what...

The night before last I had quite possibly the most boring dream ever. I dreamt that the Christmas lights in our dorm fell down off the wall. And no one cared. That was it. Lame.

My order from Amazon came in the mail yesterday, and it was super happy! :-) I had ordered the DVD and soundtrack to Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog and the soundtrack to season 4 of Doctor Who. It is all very very awesome. :-)

#1.... Nnnnow! How about....... Now? *sigh*

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