Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rob Paravonian FTW!

So tonight was Battle of the Unsigned Artists..... And it was amazing! You have no idea....... The bands were good and Rob Paravonian was BRILLIANT! I mean, we're talking music major Nerdfighter uber-glee!

We had fun getting ready for the concert.... We all went very very punk!

POSE! :-)

Nerdfighters FTW!

Waiting for the show to start....


Yes! That is me, along with along with my Wartburg friends and my sister, with Rob Paravonian! All wearing our made-of-awesome t-shirts that I had made especially for this concert. They say "Punk music is a joke, It's really just Baroque!." (Front row: Roger, Rachel V. Back row: Rachel D., Leah, Mary, Rob, me.)

The back of the shirts...

"Johann! They're all named Johann!"

Afterwards, Rob asked me to send the pictures to him via Myspace, which I just did... :-) I love life!

I have videos from the concert, but Google video isn't working right now... But they will be up eventually!

If you weren't there... You missed out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures look excellent! I'm super jealous - it looked like a lot of fun!!!