Thursday, January 03, 2008

Long day... semi-pleasing results...

There world. I caucused. Are you happy? It was boring and kind of lame. I forgot to bring a book. I drew pictures on my younger brother with my pen instead. Jessica came too, but she was in a different precinct, so we just texted each other back and forth. I'm glad it's over. Now we will no longer get campaign calls at 7:30 in the freaking morning.

This morning for the second time this break I got up before 7 am. This was because I had to go meet Leah and try on bridesmaid dresses! :-) I was in a pretty deep sleep by 6:30 am, so when my alarm went of I practically FLEW out of bed and was flailing around looking for the fire... And then I realized that it was my alarm clock and I turned it off and sat there for about 10 minutes trying to catch my breath. What a way to begin the day, huh?

I was supposed to meet Leah at 8:30, so I left and drove through McDonalds on my way. At the stop-light there were about three people standing in the median jumping up and down and holding signs for Barak Obama and waving them at passing cars. With the temperature being a toasty 2 degrees Fahrenheit... That's just insane. Really! Seeing those people out in the cold waving Obama signs is not going to change my mind about who I want to caucus for, it's just going to make me think that those people are idiots! :-P

Trying on dresses was fun, except that the heater at the dress shop had broken! And so the building was litterally FREEZING COLD! Which was not very fun when you have to try on dress after dress after dress. We ended up choosing the first dress I tried on, but I tried on a bunch of other dresses just for fun. It only took about an hour and a half to get through everyone and to take measurements for the dresses, and we all went out to Panera Bread for lunch! :-) I was craving that, so it was amazing! We stayed 2 hours after our meal and just joked around and talked. It was a good time!

This is the dress that we chose. (Leah said we were allowed to get any kind of dress from this particular designer, as long as it had a princess train and came in her color, cornflower.)

I love it! It really doesn't button... That would be insane, but I don't care. I think it's gorgeous! For some reason the website doesn't allow you to see the front, but it's a A-line dress, and it has some boning in the bodice to make it more fitted. I loooooooooove this dress!!!!! :-D

After we ate and talked at Panera, Leah and I stopped at West Music and then headed back home. We sang to the tape "Wee-Sings Sing-Alongs" almost the whole way and it was very nostalgic and happy!

I got back home and Jessica came over for dinner. It was tater-tot casserole! My absolute favorite! :-D

After that we caucused and came back and had ice cream and watched Ouran High School Host Club, during which Jessica called me a spazzmobile because SHE was hogging all the quilt and I was cold and I wanted some. Except at first I sat on TOP of the quilt and then tried to get under it. :-P She got tired of me wiggling around trying to get situated. In response to her calling me a spazzmobile I called her a dunefield... Which what Leah called me earlier today when I commented that the drifting snow in the cornfields looked like dunes... :-P

Yeah... We're weird... But it's okay. In fact, it's pretty hilarious!

I'm sleepy so I'm actually going to go to bed early!

Bleh! Stupid Huckabee! I didn't want you to win the caucuses! At least Hilary didn't come first on the Democratic side.



MInTheGap said...

That's a nice dress! So, when are you going to tell us who you did want to win the caucus for the Republicans?

Sarah said...

Fred Thompson or Ron Paul.

Isaac Mahomie said...

What? What's wrong with Huckabee?

Sarah said...

He isn't the most supportive of homeschooling.