Friday, January 18, 2008


Okay, I feel like posting this... I've already proclaimed to the world my utter dorkiness, so what's one more post? :-)

Something I've never been able to do well, is draw manga. That style has eluded me and now I am bound and determined to figure out how to do it! I want to be able to draw Ouran characters at will, so right now I am hard at work practicing.... Here are my doodles so far... No traces, just looking from one picture to the other. They're all photographs, because I don't have a scanner, so I'm sorry about the quality... But I've included the picture I copied as well, so you can compare the two. Oh, and sorry about the lines... I just did all the drawings in my little notepad.

I've only started working on one character, Kyoya Ootori. (Who is actually one of my favorites... I haven't figured out why yet...) But I plan to work being able to draw all the characters.

1st attempt. (Sorry about the glare.)
-From the cover of the 2nd book.

2nd attempt.
-From the inside cover character descriptions.

3rd attempt. (Okay, so the smiles are different, but I think this is the best one yet.)
-From one of the story panels.

It would probably also help my drawings if I wasn't using a .7 mechanical pencil... It makes the lines really thick. Also, I might start drawing from the anime stills.... Manga has lots and lots of lines! Like, looking at some of the character's hairstyles! :-O Lines everywhere!

Here's his picture from the anime:

:-P So much simpler...... I really do make things harder for myself...... Oh, well...

Anyway, it's time for me to start loading the car! I'm off to Rachel V.'s house! :-)

1 comment:

scott said...

These are really goood. I think you're already good at drawing Manga, and I don't know what you're talking about having to practice.
