Sunday, December 09, 2007

The life and times of a college student...

This is madness...

The link is the video my roommates and I made of us cleaning out the drain in the shower of our suite last week. It's pretty spectacular! (But also kind of gross, just to warn you. There's also lots of screaming and yelling...) Sometimes the movie gets a little dark... Sorry about that. Oh, and this was filmed at about 12:30 at night... Which is the hight of activity for college students.

Rachel V. is narrating, I'm obviously doing the dirty work and Leah is helping with everything else. The part where I turn away and I'm looking down... That's me trying not to throw-up because it smelled SO TERRIBLE!

What's even funnier is what happened AFTER this movie. (Funny now, anyway) The Drain-o did NOTHING to the drain, and the water still would not go down. And no one in our suite was awake to tell the one suite mate who missed this whole ordeal, that the drain in the shower was not working... So she took a shower... And flooded our half of the suite. We had to call maintenance, who came and shop-vac-ed our room. They also poured some super-duper Drain-o down our shower which now works fine. But the chemicals have burned some of our shower curtain away... Pretty impressive, huh?


Anonymous said...

wow. That was freakin hilarious!So this is what you people do for kicks down in Iowa huh? makes my life seem semi mediocre :-p

Isaac Mahomie said...

That was so disgusting. And hilarious. But awful.

I'm so glad I don't live with a bunch of girls.