Monday, November 20, 2006


Okay, so I had two tests today... One in music theory and one in psychology... Which kind of sucked, but I've actually been in a pretty good mood, so that helps. :-) Last night's tickle-fight played a big part in that I think... All those endorphins and all... :-)

So, Saturday night was the big spaghetti dinner Leah and I had planned for our group. It went well, and a good time was had by all... While cooking we established that:

You do not boil French bread, however you CAN broil it... Provided you have a pan.

Spaghetti noodles stick to things when they're done. Like ceilings. However, for future reference, don't let it dry there. It becomes hard to remove.

No matter WHAT a person is wearing, if you're pouring something it WILL splatter.

Don't look away when you are pouring something. Not even if it's splattering... You will miss and pour everything on the counter.

A box of spaghetti that makes 16 servings is a lot of spaghetti.

It's hard to speak cohearantly with a bunch of Angel Food Cake in your mouth. (Okay, so I basically established this one... As I was the only one stuffing my face and then trying to continue conversations...)

Evidentially salt makes water boil faster.

The plural of spaghetti is spaghetti. Not spaghetties.

Soap bubbles are fun!

Spraying your roommate with water is even more fun!


...Yeah, stuff like that...

We ate dinner in a classroom that was next to the kitchen area... The guys set up the computer and projector so play a slideshow of travel pictures they found on the internet... But we got bored with that eventually, so we watched Homestarrunner Cartoons and stuff. Although I think the best part was comnig across one of those "magic eye" pictures during a Google Image search that we were doing.... We were all sitting there, looking at the projector screen, and Nathan and Jesse stand up to get a better look... Jesse walks to the computer screen, but Nathan stands there staring at the picture on the projecter... With his shadow taking up the middle of the picture... And you can see on his face "Gee, I can't see the picture... I must not be close enough." So he steps closer and his shadow gets bigger which finally causes him to realize that trying to see the hidden image on a projector screen was not the way to go. And I don't know why, but I found it hilarious... Like... I was laughing so hard after seeing this I started crying and all that jazz... Wow... I guess you had to be there, but it was hilarious!

After dinner Ted, Duane, Jesse and I went and saw Stranger Then Fiction, which was amusing, although not as funny as I'd hoped. After that we watched The Core back in the guy's room.

Sunday... Went to church... Then ate at Hardee's with the guys... Worked on a paper... Ate dinner in the Den with the guys and Devon who was at Wartburg for a scholarship day... Then I went and studied in Ted and Jesse's room because I was tired of my own dorm, having been in there all day by myself, since Leah was with Travis. So I studied and watched the 4th Harry Potter movie on HBO... Then we watched Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest... And no, it's not out on DVD yet.... Mwahaha... :-) After that Ted channel surfed and we watched the end of Venture Brothers. Then Ted, Duane and I got in a pretty big tickle fight, which was what the post before this was about...

...THAT was a good time! :-D It started out with Ted and Duane ganging up on me, since I am very ticklish, but we discovered that we were all pretty ticklish... We even got Jesse in on it, for a little while... haha! Although I must interject that we were all pretty tired and silly, so that probably played a factor in how ticklish the guys were... I'm just ticklish all the time... :-P

Yep... So that's what has been going on for a while.. Oh! My Wishbone Facebook group ("No I Haven't Read that Great Litterary Classic--But I've seen the Wishbone") broke 10,000 members last week and s currently almost up to 11,000! How cool is that??? :-)


Anonymous said...

You're soooo silly. And of course salt makes water boil faster (that's why you put salt in water to boil at high altitudes) but anyway, it's because it acutally lowers the boiling point due to the increased number of particles in the solution (thank you General Chemistry *smiles and is a nerd*) I won't break out equations...but you get the idea!

Anonymous said...

WAIT...I have it allll wrong...ahh, O-chem is screwing w/ my mind...let me figure out what I'm trying to say.

Anonymous said...

Ok...oof dah, sorry about that, I was doing o-chem late at night...messes with your brain I tell ya. Anyway, back to gen chem and colligative properties (nonvolatile) particles (i.e. your salt) causes the water to boil at higher temperatures (which is why you put it in at high altitudes to make up for the low atmospheric pressure). And doesn't really make sense the it causes it to boil faster...because technically it must reach a higher temperature to boil...I've never heard of that before...unless you were just joking...then you just got a science lesson for fun. (Psych on the 1st one!, LOL) Love ya!