Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

First of all... I FINISHED MY PSYCHOLOGY PAPER! AHHHHHH!!!!! I worked on it alllllll last night after I got home from Happy Feet, and I worked on it alllllll today... Whew! I'm glad it's done!

Second, I hope everyone is having a nice Thanksgiving and a great break!

Dinner here was awesome... Mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, corn... the works.... Although it seemed to take forever for dinner to be ready, so when we finally DID sit down to eat, I got in trouble for saying grace faster then everyone else... Because I was so hungry I just wanted to EAT! After 2 servings of turkey, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a piece of pumpkin pie I took a nice nap... Definately turkey induced. :-)

At dinner mom asked us what we were thankful and I jokingly said that I was thankful that dinner was finally cooked, and Stephen added in all seriousness and excitement that he was thankful for all the birthdays in the world. It was cute! :-D

But truthfully, I am thankful for a lot of things... My family, and the fact that I know they love me and support me, and for my friends and all the joy and hilarity they bring to my crazy life, as well as all the crap they put up with from me... I'm thankful I am able to go to school and that I have clothes and my own computer and plenty of food to eat... And hugs. Hugs are amazing and I am very thankful for hugs. *warm fuzzies*

Now I'm eating more turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy and corn.... Mmmmm.... :-)

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