Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Weekend list...

1. Write test for 1st grade classroom for Educational Psychology.

2. Write journal Review for Ed Psych.

3. Article review for Conducting.

4. Read for 20th Century Music.

5. Type up Oboe/Bassoon notes.

6. Practice oboe and flute.

7. Complete Oboe/Bassoon take-home test.

8. Write questions to research Lou Henry assessment methods, for Ed Psych.

9. Wash bed sheets.

10. Practice conducting.

11. Read for Ed Psych.

AND, I just got a letter from Wartburg's Education Department saying that they have accepted my student teaching application and I am cleared to student teach next fall! w00t! :-D


Anonymous said...

Hope the blizzard allowed you to snuggle up in your room with a blanket and "relax" (..haha right, relax, with a bunch of stuff to do..) I watched Pride and Prejudice today and She's the Man...Mr. Darcy should be illegal, he's better than drugs.

Sarah said...

Hahaha... Relax... Riiiiight. ;-) If only there were enough hours in the day...

The blizzard has been pretty intense... Ice and then snow... I'm hoping my 7:45 gets canceled tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

I watched the 2nd part of the A&E Pride and Prejudice on PBS tonight! *swoon* Darcy is better than drugs...

Leah bought No Reservations yesterday... I'm excited to find time to watch that too... :-)