Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Busy life...

My life is not my own...

I have an oboe playing test tomorrow, and I really hope I don't throw up and/or pass out. THAT'S how much trouble I have playing the oboe.

I teach my lesson to a class of 1st grade general music students. Am I nervous? Oh, yes I am. But I like kids and I'm excited about my lesson. I will survive.

I have two 50 point papers due next Friday, both which, according to the teacher, could end up being eight pages long.

I have an Ed Psych test on Wednesday that I absolutely MUST do well on, or my future life a Wartburg is literally at stake. Good grief, this class is hard, and it is kicking my butt.

I have I *heart* Music Day this Saturday Morning and then Band Run Out the rest of Saturday and Sunday. (The Wartburg Symphonic band is going to play in Des Moines, so if you are in the area and would like to go, tell me!)

It's Rachel V.'s Birthday on Saturday, and I'm not going to be here. :-(

I've only been able to get about 6 hours of sleep a night with all the stuff I have to do.

Sometimes I think I am going insane. I want it to be break, but the stuff I have to do to get TO break.... AHHHHH!!!!

I just want to platonically cuddle. That's it. And watch warm-fuzzy movies.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You can do eeet! I know you can!
In a little while the oboe playing test will be out of your life forever.
And a bit of an *EEK* at those papers/test...
But you can survive them, too!!!
I believe in you!
And I heart you!
Now go keep kicking butt! =]
*more hugs*
You survived last term. You can do this.