Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Punk Music is a joke, it's really just Baroque...

Happy 356th Birthday to Johann Pachelbel! A composer we all know and loooooooove! The "original one hit wonder" famous for composing Canon in D.

Remember this??? (with THIS?)

Aw, good memories... :-)

In other news, there was a DEAD MOUSE on the floor in my classroom today!!!! :-O I went and got the secretary because I didn't know what to do... There is nothing in the staff handbook that talks about dealing with dead animals.... So the secretary got a plastic bag and I picked it up and tied the bag and threw it away. (The secretary was totally creeped out... I was just like... Um, what do I do??? lol... Yay for camp!)

Yeah. It was an exciting day...

1 comment:

Rae said...

OMG! That video is so awesome!! That was the best battle of the bands there ever was and ever shall be. =D =D =D