Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My birthday and my kitten....

Hello All! Today is my birthday and I am now 23 years old. I feel the same... Just like I do every year. Although, I'm tired from teaching. My family all mailed me cards and sent me a bouquet of flowers to school which was a nice surprise.

I was going to make avocado feta salsa tonight for dinner, but I forgot to buy feta and the grocery store in Sumner does not carry it. :-( Oh, well, I'll have to save it for another time. I bought some ice cream and rented some movies and I'm going to cook up some chicken and make a salad and just chill. :-)

It's also fairly cold in Sumner. I just turned on my heat. My thermometer says it's 64 degrees inside and 52 degrees OUTSIDE. I slept with sock on last night.

I haven't decided on a name for my cat yet. Daniel suggested Hobbes, but my cat isn't orange, which would have been cool. Mary suggested Sylvester. Dad suggested Lawn Dart. BUT I stole a picture of my kitteh (and it's litter mates) from Facebook. Geri had posted one. Unfortunately, my cat is on the bottom of the pile... So you can't see it very well... But, it's better than nothing! Enjoy!


Rae said...

Are Holmes, Watson, and Laertes out of the running?

PS. Happy birthday AGAIN!!
Happy birthday Tuba Euph!

Sarah said...

No, no, no... None of those names are out of the running. I'm just listing some of the other suggestions I've received.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I miss you!!!

Anna said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! I wish we could get a cat, but we have a dad and a dog...LOL And tell your dad that i'm unable to comment on his blog now...for some weird reason it won't let me :(