Monday, September 07, 2009

Weekend well spent...

... I guess.

Overall, I would say yes.

Rachel V. came Friday night and that was really cool to see her! :-) I cooked up some Chinese and we watched No Reservations and had brownies for dessert. Then we watched YouTube videos for another 3 hours. :-) It was awesome!

Saturday, Rachel V. left about 8am, so that left me the whole day to get stuff done. So after Rachel left, I went back to bed for another hour or so. Then I got up, had breakfast, unpacked while watching Pan's Labyrinth (weeeeird movie...) and then went drove around to see if any of the local banks were open. Negatory. So I only had enough money to do two loads of laundry, but I made it work. Then I went to church and after that I got a call from Rachel D. who told me that some good-for-nothing turd-face stole 2 loads of her laundry from the washers in the laundry room. LAME!

Not cool whomever you are. Not cool.

Saturday night I cleaned and then unpacked while watching Phantom of the Oprea.

Oh, yeah. I've resolved that I will not allow myself to get a Netflix account until I have watched all the movies that I own. Except for Peter Pan. I lent it to someone freshman year of college and it's never had a disk since. This is mostly a ploy to extend the time before I actually DO get a Netflix account... Mainly, after payday. I should rent some DVDs from the library too...

Anyway! Sunday I unpacked some more and then went to school to do some lesson planning. I got most of it done and came back and kind of took a break. Mainly, ate dinner and watched The Mentalist. :-)

Today I also spent most of the day at school finishing up my lesson planning and getting all the supplies and materials ready that I need for my lessons this week... And I did a new bulletin board, which is pretty sweet, if I do say so myself. :-)

Next week is going to be all about pirates, since next Saturday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! (And Rachel D.'s birthday, AND Hermione Granger's birthday too...) It will be fun! I can't waaaaaaaiiiit! :-D

While I was unpacking tonight, I came across two of the three movements to the composition my class did for our 20th Century Music Class. Called "Ed i colpi del portello ma abbastanza non duro" (And the door slams, but not hard enough.) We called ourselves the "Serialist Killers" because it was a composition that used serialism. Ha! Puns! :-) Good Memories!

OH!! And I have found EVERYTHING that I have been missing. My Bible and devotional books were in some plastic drawers, where I had packed them... And my 3rd Harry Potter book was where I left it.... Underneath my open copy of the 2nd Harry Potter book.... Derrrrr. :-P Oh, well. At least those aren't lost anymore. Now if I could only find the fixture for my medusa lamp...

Also, do you know what is annoying??? Buying a 2-pack of 9 volt batteries for your two smoke-detectors... So you can be safe and all. Installing them. And then unpacking and finding an unopened pack of...... 9 volt batteries. Gah. :-P Oh well. My TV remote takes 9 volt. I'll just have to save them for that.

Okay, tomorrow I have school again. Let's hope this week goes better than the last. *crosses fingers*

1 comment:

Rae said...

Roooooooom of blind choiiiiiir booooys!


Love you my deary.
