Sunday, October 11, 2009

An introduction...

Hello everyone!

I got my new kitteh! I've decided to call him Watson! (In the end it was between Watson and Maxwell--because when he purrs really loud it sounds like when you make coffee...) He is a big trouble maker and likes to talk. He can purr really loud and likes to pounce on things that do not really exist. :-)

I went down to Iowa City this weekend to have him checked out by my uncle who is a vet and Watson has a clean bill of heath! My uncle said he found him to be friendly and easy to handle, which indicates that he came from a good family and has a good personality. :-)

It was also good to see some of my cousins, uncles and aunt and my grandparents. :-) Grandma made a delicious lunch and Grampa and I watched the food network and had Chinese for dinner! Grandma went to the Hawkeye football homecoming game with some of my cousins and Grampa and I watched it at some of my cousins' houes. (1st half at one, 2nd half at the other.) Like I said, it was good to see everyone! :-) (And Iowa WON! YAY!)

Oh, and it SNOWED yesterday! And it even sticked for a little while!

Okay, that's all for now... Here are some cat pictures! :-)

Watson asleep in my lap...

Watson on the go....

Eating his bed...

And drinking his water...

Also, it's important to remember that if you spray your hands with the "no chew" animal deterrent spray, so your cat will stop biting your hands in play. it will still taste bad 2 hours later when you forget that it's there and lick yogurt off your fingers...


Rae said...

I can't wait to meet him!
=D =D =D =D =D =D

Anonymous said...

Watson is adorable!! Wes a gonna playz all nightz when I come visit!

Anna said...

Watson is ADORABLE! I wish i could have seen you when you were here but i was sick with this horrible nasty stuff thats going around...anyways i'm getting better now!

Daniel said...

eating the "no chew" animal deterrent spray, lol

scott said...

a new cat! i mean, a new Watson, i mean a new... umm, how exciting! he looks like a lot of fun, and that's something, because as a result of my allergies I tend to dislike cats. though, the kittehs dooo have a better chance at my approval.

"no chew" lolz
