Friday, January 16, 2009

Hunker down... Stay warm. Watch movies. Wear hobo gloves.

You know it's cold when your eyes tear up and the tears freeze on the ends of your eyelashes. Also when schools cancel because they can't get the buses started. Yesterday it was -21 degrees F so of course I had ice cream for dessert after dinner. It was good! :-)

Also, my shoelaces came untied between 6 or 8 times yesterday. It was driving me crazy!

Do you know what else is annoying? The earbuds I bought to use with my iPod... They will not stay in my ears! They keep falling out! What's the point of earbuds, if they won't stay in your ears??? I think I'm just going to buy some new apple iPod earbuds. I've gone back to the original earbuds that came with the iPod, but those are falling apart which is ALSO annoying. :-P

This afternoon Rachel D. is going to help me uncover my car from all the snow. I have an oil change scheduled for tomorrow so I want to make sure my car is working enough to get it to the station.

Oh! ANOTHER thing that is annoying: My cell phone is now broken. It no longer connects to the phone tower or whatever-it-is. I mean, I'm not, like, overly upset-cursing the heavens in futility, but it's lame. This also means that I cannot receive phone calls or text messages. Ironically, my parents are going in today to renew their phone contract... So my parents are just going to mail me my dad's old phone and I'll just transfer my information onto that phone. Then in April when my part of the contract is up, I'll go shopping for my own phone and get my own plan and all that stuff.

Luke comes home in 9 days! :-D

I had a flute lesson today and that went well. I have a lot of good stuff to practice. Now I just need to work on setting up a practice regimen and work on little chunks at a time--not just playing through as much as I can and then calling it good. :-P

Over this past week I've discovered that I have a couple really awesome friends who I love very very much! :-D

My 7:45 class was cancelled today, so that was nice! I went back to bed for another 45 minutes. Now I am in the library and I'm going to work on some homework and stuff... I am determined to be productive!

Before I go... Does anyone else keep up with the comic strip, Pearls Before Swine? If you know me, you'll understand why today's comic is funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I LOVE Pearls Before Swine!!