Monday, January 19, 2009

Cloudy Monday

Sometimes I just want to say "What the heck? Who told you that was okay? How is this acceptable behavior?"

Have I mentioned lately that I hate drama?

In other news:

I am still having trouble keeping my shoes tied.

Luke comes back in 6 days!

My new cellphone comes in the mail tomorrow.

I discovered that I don't really like Grape Nuts. And quite possibly organic yogurt.

My recital preview is February 27th.

I need to start researching for my final capstone paper.

I need to put together a portfolio for the mock-interviews I'm attending next Monday and refine it for real interviews later on.

I wish the sun would come out.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

"The sun will come out tomorrow..."
You can do eet!!
And have I mentioned lately that you rock my socks off? Because you do. Literally. I'm not wearing any. ;)