Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's Christmas Break!

Hello Everyone! It's finally Christmas break and I am at home and doing nothing! Currently, it's a nice change. I'm sure I'll feel different by the time break is over. Maybe.

Yesterday was my last day of student teaching. I managed to make it through the whole day without crying. I saved it all for the drive back to Wartburg. One of the 5th grade students made a card and all of the 5th grade band signed it and wrote things like "Please don't leave!" "We'll miss you!" and "Come back and visit!" with lots of unhappy smilie-faces that had tears. It was super cute. I got tons and tons of hugs from both the 5th and 6th grade students. I'll miss them. My cooperating teacher wrote me a really strong, positive letter of recommendation, which is really great. I've learned a lot from this experience, and I can't believe I made it to the end!

Monday I had my last concert with the High School. It went pretty well, and I was happy with it. I think the band was nervous and tired because there were a couple spots where they had intonation issues and rushed. And didn't watch me. BUT they all pulled together and the audience really enjoyed it. :-)

Then, Monday night driving home from the concert, the heat in my car started acting weird. It was turned all the way up to full blast, but it air coming through was if it was set to the lowest setting, and it no longer was as hot. It was worse driving home on Tuesday with the crazy snowfall going on. Mostly because the windshield defroster could barely keep up with keeping the ice melted off of the glass. When I finally made it back to Waverly, I stopped at the garage that fixed my flat tire and asked if they had a moment to look at my car to see if they knew what was wrong. (I was crossing my fingers, hoping that it wouldn't be something expensive.) They were able to find the problem-- the cabin air filter was old and clogged with snow and gunk. I set up an appointment and had it fixed yesterday after I got done with school. Now my car has heat and it works! (And it wasn't expensive... Compared to getting the water pump replaced last month.)

And now, like I stated earlier, I am on break! I went to bed around 12 am last night and slept in until 10:30am. It was spectacular! I haven't done too much today. I went to the library and checked out Ivanhoe. I am determined to finish it... But I'm probably going to have to start over so I can remember all the characters. I also checked out O Brother Where Art Thou? Because I promised my cooperating teaching that I'd watch... Evidently this is a movie that I should have seen a long time ago. I also practiced my flute for the first time in, about 2 months... It was kind of painful and tiring.

Tomorrow Jessica is coming home! (Mary too.) And Saturday I am going to visit Luke! I'm really excited! I also really hope the weather cooperates. *shakes fist* It better! I could go on and on and on about how excited I am for Saturday, but it would get really redundant. It's really hard to wait! That's all I've been able to think about for quite a while... No joke...

Other things that need to happen during break:
Visit Luke
Hang out with Jessica
Practice my flute
Read Ivanhoe
Read some Sherlock Holmes
See The Tale of Despereux, Valkyrie, The Bride Wars and Marley and Me
Finish reading Paper Towns
Finish Breaking Dawn

Speaking of Twilight, tonight I'm going to see the movie again. It's at our local theatre, and it's the last night it's showing there, so I might as well see it again. :-) 3 times the charm, right?

Okay, it's time for dinner... I need to go.

When is this snowstorm supposed to hit, anyway???

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