Friday, May 25, 2007

I've been spoiled...

Thinking back on my theatrical experience New York City and my movie theatre experience seeing Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End last night....

It's not the same. At all.

I know this may sound kind of dumb... Or rather... "Duh." But the movie theatre no longer holds the same aesthetic it did prior to New York.

You can watch a movie multiple times and it will always be the same. Always. The actors will always say their lines the same way. They will always walk across the screen in the same manner. Each time you watch it you may notice different things, react differently to the stimuli. It may change your perspective, influence how you talk and dress. But it will never change. Once filmed, that movie will be like that for as long as it lasts...

A play is constantly changing. You can never exactly duplicate the show night after night after night. You can get into a routine... Memorize lines, dance steps, blocking and with that you can get close enough that without focused scrutiny, each show, every night will look identical. But they aren't.

Because of a little thing called interaction.

A live show has that. A pre-recorded movie does not.

No one in the pre-recored show reacts when you applaud, laugh, gasp or open your cell phone. One person can change the way the actors perform to the audience and that can totally influence the mood of the show on stage and the mood in the audience.

After going to New York City, movie theaters and movies in general just are not that cool any more. Yes even PIRATES. There's no feedback. It's impartial.

I felt sad at the Palace Theatre last night, picking my own seat before the show and just leaving after the credits. Just leaving! That's it! How boring is that? I felt like I should be trying to find the stage door to meet the actors and tell them what I thought of the show. But no. Pre-recorded movies don't work like that. :-(

And I am a dork.

Live theatre all the way, baby.


Rachel said...

I don't think I'll ever enjoy a movie *as* much as I did before I went to Broadway.
It was sad just getting up and leaving without wearing out my arms through a ridiculously long standing ovation.
Yay for being spoiled =]

Anonymous said...

*nods sagely*
Welcome to the fold sister.
:D :D
