Friday, June 01, 2007

Still here!

Sorry it's taken so long to post... I haven't had much time.

I've started my new factory job. It's nothing spectacular. Two fifteen minute breaks, paid half-hour long lunch, if I bring a lunch and eat there.... 9.5 hours of work... The factory makes farm equipment... Like giant grain storage and drying bins. I make steel ladders. Woo-hoo... :-P It's pretty boring and kind of loud... I hammer and wrestle with metal parts.

I'm not too sore from the work which is nice, but my palms are bruised from pushing the locked ladder out of the machine and my fingers hurt from the wrench I use to turn the ladder rungs. I expect I'll have some nice callouses by the end of the summer. Maybe I'll loose some weight and gain some muscle as well! :-)

Yesterday I made 100 ladders, but today I only made 87 because they worked on the machine for an hour or so. They changed some of the parts and the sad thing is that it worked better before they "fixed" it. :-P

Also, something that made me smile today at work... Someone named "Bruce Wayne" got paged over the loud speaker. I got a kick out of that.

The factory is a half hour away so I have to leave home around 6:20 am to get there on time... So I've been getting up around 5:45. Bleh. But get this. Tomorrow, my shift is from 6 am to 11 am... So I will be getting up at 4:45 in the freaking morning. Nasty nasty nasty!


*ye have been warned*

So I saw Pirates again the other night! With my friend Bre and her sister Erika! Aside from whatever Tia Dalma says when she grows big after she becomes "Calypso." I caught a lot more!

Did anyone else catch (besides the ones I told) the of the lyrics "Hoist the Colors"?

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones……
The seas be ours and by the powers
Where we will, we'll roam…

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high…
heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die…

Some men have died and some are alive
And others sail on the sea
With the keys to the cage and the Devil to pay
We lay to Fiddler's Green!

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high…
heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die…

The bell has been raised from it's watery grave...
Do you hear it's sepulchral tone?
A call to all, pay heed the squall
And turn your sail toward home!

Yo ho, haul together-- Raise the colors high! Heave ho --
-- thieves and beggars, never say we die.

It's like those folk songs that have become so old that even though people still sing them, no one really knows what they mean any more! It's about Tia Dalma/Calypso! I think that's really cool that they put that right in the beginning of the movie. Awesome foreshadowing. :-) (And for what it's worth, Fiddlers Green is to sailors like "Happy Hunting Grounds" is to Native Americans.)

I also liked how Will was stabbed with the sword he made waaaay back in the first movie.

Did anyone else think that the scar across his chest at the end of the movie made Will Turner even more desirable? Mmmm... :-)

I think I'll type more what I think after I see it sometime again...

*end spoilers*

Last night I discovered that the mask on my Phantom of the Opera t-shirt that I had purchased when I saw it on tour in March, glows in the dark... It's cool, but random.

Yesterday after work I went over to Jessica's and we made Avocado Feta Salsa and ate it while we watched America's Funniest Home Videos and Legends of the Hidden Temple. :-) Scott came and joined us and it was a good time! Yay for old reruns! :-D

I can't wait for the next episode of Doctor Who! These two part episodes drive me crazy! I was happy to recognize the student Tim from the movie Nanny McFee, although someone else pegged him from Love Actually. I wonder what's going to happen with him... With his telepathic abilities and the Doctor's watch...

... Oh, and why didn't Martha keep the watch on her person, hidden from anyone else?

Ooooh plot twists... I'm so impatient. :-P

I've decided that when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow's comes out I am not going to be on AOL/MSN until I finish reading it. I'll probably just be online to watch Doctor Who. For the last book, 2 major major major plot points were ruined for me by stupid people on a Harry Potter web forum. It was not cool. I don't want that to happen again. No Harry Potter websites, no blogs/blogging.

Plus, I can't stay up all night reading it because of work, so it will take me longer to read it, I think.

I miss the ocean. :-(

So my high school won this award/achievement/recognition thing for their production of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Apparently they're the only 1A school in the nation to win this... Ever. Which is pretty cool! And it means they have to opportunity to perform a show in SCOTLAND to compete against other schools... From... America? Around the world? I don't know... I should look at the info again...

But Scotland! Wow! SO not fair! I want to go!!!! It looks like my sister Mary MIGHT be going.... Is it possible to be happy and jealous at the same time?

The show they are planning to take is Little Shop of Horrors. And if you know my school... (My high school graduating class of 2005 had bout 35 people in it, if that gives you any idea) It is going to be an interesting show... But good for them, anyway! We'll see how this pans out.

Dear Avirl Lavigne,

I think your song "Girlfriend" is stupid and annoying. Your rhyme pattern of AABACDE just doesn't do it for me. And no one really says "whatev-ahr" like that. Seriously.

Go away.

You are not creative.


That's all I have for now! See? I'm still alive!

...We'll see how I'm doing after tomorrow's early start. :-P


Rachel said...

Even though I'm pretty sure you won't see this until after you work tomorrow:
You can do eet!!! =] Early mornings suck...but it'll be done and over with before you know it.
Miss you!
And, of course, love you! =]

Anonymous said...

Sounds like I'd better get workin' out since you're gonna be all buff and stuff when I see you next!
Sarah with muscles....
I'm a little afraid.
Love ya darling