Wednesday, May 02, 2007

May Term = awesomeness!

I'm enjoying this year's May Term a lot more than last year. Even though people are gone, or will be gone for parts of the term. Playing trombone in May Term band is proving to be a bit of a challenge, but I hope to improve by the end... :-)

I am finally past the halfway point in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... It can't believe it's taken me so long to get through it... It's so easy to become distracted by the TV and other things... Like sleep....

So Monday night it was absolutely GORGEOUS outside--comfortably warm, nice breeze, bright moon... I wanted to go for a walk, so I found Rachel D. and we went for a walk to the river and it was fun. We just chatted and enjoyed the temperature.... Unfortunately, walking back, I got a GIANT blister on the ball of my foot... Like it's bigger than a normal sized band-aid. :-( Wearing Leah's flip-flops for a 2 mile walk was not a smart choice. So I've been limping around with a Kleenex masking-taped to my foot... Kind of a pain... I bought bigger band-aids today, so I hope it heals up a little more before New York.

I have a partial itinerary for our trip which I will post closer to when I'm going to leave. I doubt I'll be posting from New York, since I'm not bringing my computer. Everyone who reads this will just have to sit tight until I get back. I went shopping today for the last of the things I think I need before we leave on Saturday... And I bought Pirates of the Caribbean spray-on sunscreen. Hee... :-D

Yesterday I sat outside for two hours and did crosswords. It was nice. :-) Yay for sun! Also, the flowers are starting to bloom around campus and it makes me happy. :-D I love lilacs!

I'm hungry and am off to find something to eat!

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