Saturday, June 27, 2009

Approx. 16 total applications, 5 rejection letters, 4 interviews, 2 "we've chosen someone else" phone calls, 4 status currently "unknown."

And 0 new jobs posted in the last week and a half. At least.

I just want a job. A band job, teaching children.

Is that too much to ask???

I've been waiting.

And waiting and waiting...

And putting on a brave face.

But it's hard.

Especially when you see other people your age getting jobs upon graduation. I should have gotten my lazy butt in gear and put in an application too.

I also had to field my first "so, you graduated from college, do you have a boyfriend?" question. After of course, I had been asked if I had a job yet. When I replied that while, I did have a boyfriend, we just broke up after six months, I was jokingly pronounced "too much to handle."

I know this comment wasn't meant with any ill intent. But it's not really what I want to hear right now.


Rachel said...

The hug you're going to get on Tuesday just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
I understand how much the whole job thing sucks. I mean, I've been there, but only for summer jobs...I know your situation is different than mine, but I still understand it. Everything will work out in time. And if it doesn't, I'm hiring Chuck Norris. ;)

Devon said...

Chin up darling! Jobs are tight for everyone. My dad just got layed off this past week in fact. I'm lucky that my employer from last summer told me I'd have a job when I came back this summer. All 8 of the other places I applied to in town told me they weren't hiring or that I wasn't good enough.

Good news though! With the way things look I will probably be able to buy a car by the end of July! And if I do the first trip I'm making in it is to see you! :D

Gotta give you all these virtual hugs in real life at some point right?
