Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hello everyone! It's the weekend and I have time to post a blog entry... Miss me?

First off, tomorrow is the anniversary of this blog... I've been keeping it for three years now with a total of 609 entries. Crazy, huh?

This past week has been a little long... Monday I went to Waterloo with Leah and got fitted for the dress I'm wearing in her wedding. I love it! It looks great and all they had to do was hem the front and measure for the bustle, since it has a train. I've booked my hotel rooms for next weekend and I'm excited to get my hair done and spend the whole day looking pretty. :-)

Work has been dragging... We had some issues with a different plant that gets parts from us... In the effect that they LOST a large number of them... So we had to make more and on Wednesday there were rumors going around that we'd all have to come in and work 10 hours on Friday AND come in on Saturday. Ug. Nobody was happy about that at *all*. LUCKILY, we only had to work for a bit on Friday. Working 2nd shift isn't all that fun... I'm really glad this is only for the summer.

Friday afternoon before I went to work mom and I went out and looked at cars. I test drove a 1996 Grand Prix and a 1999 Volkswagon Beetle. I liked the Beetle better than the Grand Prix, but neither were the car for me. But it was a start at least. The '96 had 160K miles on it and was a bit rough. The Beetle felt like I was driving in a box.

Yesterday Jessica and I went jet-skiing for the first time this summer! It wasn't as hot as yesterday, and the water was white capping a little bit, but it was a blast! We were out there for about 2 hours and got the boat pretty far out of the water a couple times. :-) I am soooooo sore today. It's pretty uncomfortable. Jessica says I sound like an old woman, but my knees and elbows really hurt!

After we got done jet-skiing we made avocado fetta salsa and watched America's Got Talent. Then we watched Please Be Kind Rewind and had a good laugh. Halfway through Jessica's mom discovered that the freezer had frozen itself off and needed to be thawed before it could work again, so Jessica and I spent an tour taking turns with the hair dryer, trying to thaw the freezer. By the time the movie was over it was time to go home, mostly because we were both exhausted from the days activities.

Today I think we will be going to get ice cream and go to the municipal band concert at 3pm and go see Prince Caspian, since Jessica hasn't seen it yet... Provided she finishes the book yet. I saw Ironman last week and I really liked it! I still want to see Kung Fu Panda and Get Smart.

That's all for this update! Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get Smart is really funny, as is Kung Fu Panda.
Be Kind Rewind was fun too, but you should go to the website and look at the 'trailers' page and watch the LOTR sweded version. HILARIOUS!!!!
=D =D
love you!
~Rae V