Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another confession...

Hello world!

I have something to confess... To admit to cyberspace...

I am a nerd.

To regular (and not so regular, but people who know me) readers, this may not come as much as a surprise but I must blog and gloat in my nerdiness....

1. I love Doctor Who. (Duh... Nothing new, right?) Anyway, I just watched The Unicorn and the Wasp today and it was amazing. :-D Agatha Christie is super cool! :-D And I love Donna!

2. To continue along the Doctor Who vein I have discovered this website called Whomix which is made up of fan's versions of the theme song. Some are quite good... Others are... Super cheesy. :-D Some are in midi format after all... haha...

3. I have found printable Doctor Who piano sheet music. Bwahahaha! Now I can play it on the piano whenever I want! (Why didn't I look up this before???) It's not only for the Doctor Who TV theme, but there's the Doomsday theme and Martha's Theme and others.

4. I totally just downloaded the song "They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard" onto my iTunes so I can listen to it forevermore. We're talking hardcore rocking out in the car.

5. I need a car so I can buy this, this and this. Annnnnd maybe this one too... Or this... This? Ahh! I obviously can't decide...

6. And don't forget my TARDIS and K-9 car dashboard air fresheners...

7. Yes, I know, I'm obsessed.

8. I just found a shirt that says "I <3 <3 NNNNNNNNNNY". Doctor Who fans... Take a moment to think about it... There ya go... (<3 = heart)

Okay... That's all for now... Really, I promise...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when, exactly, am I actually going to get to watch Doctor Who with you?....And just how much of Firefly have you seen, hmm?