Sunday, November 22, 2009

An update inclulded a breif blip on Doctor Who and Twilight

Ack.... It's been ages since I've blogged... Sorry!

I'm just pluggin' away. Remember the cold I mentioned Thursday November, 5th? Well, I still have it. The week after the musical my chest became full of disgusting gunk and I lost my voice... Which made teaching MUSIC CLASS really difficult. Luckily it was a short week and I survived. My voice is back now... But I have a ridiculous stuffy nose and I *still* have a cough. I had to buy yet another box of tissues because the one I bought yesterday (even though they were Puffs) made my nose sore because I had to blow it so much.

Also, after almost 3 months of searching I found a second job! *whew* I was really getting worried. It's a waitressing job, on Friday and Saturday nights at a little locally owned restaurant in a nearby town. This past Friday was my first night and it went really well. It's just a manner of learning different procedures and memorizing the menu. But it's not hard at all. I had one table ask me if I'd gone to school for restaurant management and they didn't believe that it was only my second night. (Previous waitress experience FTW!) So hopefully the money I earn from that will help me start to pay of those pesky pesky student loans. (Btw, I found the job through an ad in the paper... How lucky was that?)

Watson is doing well. I took him to my Uncle Greg S.'s last week for a check-up and to get neutered. (I have two Uncle Gregs on my Dad's side... Just to clarify.) Watson is a little over 3 months now and weighs about 4 pounds. He fell in the bath again Friday night. Which makes Bath:3 Toilet 1 Watson: 0. He's doing really well though. He's very cuddly and likes to lay in my lap whenever I'm at my computer.

Going to Iowa City last weekend was a lot of fun! I was there longer, so I got to see everyone! Grandma was babysitting some of my cousins, so Friday night Grandpa and I ordered pizza and then I went with my Uncle Doug to a play rehearsal that he was directing with the help of my cousins Katie and Anna, their younger brothers John and Paul were in the play. Afterwords I went to their house and got to see my Aunt Nancy and meet their dog Kipper. Evidently he's kind of crazy, but he was pretty quiet when I was there, just chewing on a bone.

Saturday I went shopping at Coral Ridge Mall with my cousin Marie. She helped me pick out some really nice clothes. (On our way to the mall we saw a rainbow!) I got a pants suit for $30 at Kohl's and I was really excited. I also found some nice tops at Kohl's, Old Navy and Maurices. Afterwards we went back to her house and she made 18 dozen monster cookies with her friend Liz... And they were really good! They gave me a plate of them. :-) The kitchen was kind of chaotic, so I watched the rest of the Hawkeye vs. Ohio State game with my Uncle Greg S. What a game! It was so good!

Sunday I went to mass and was very amused by one of my little cousins who insisted on wearing her dress backwards and was wearing rubber rainboots with it. It was cute. :-) After church I stopped at my Uncle Greg H and Aunt Marcy's house and had lunch with them. Then I went to my Uncle Tom and Aunt Melissa's where I played checkers with my cousin Kolbe and lost! But it was a good game. :-) I also got to see their dog, Daisy. My Aunt Melissa says that Daisy is the only one in their family that will do what he says. (LOL!) Then I swung back to my Uncle Greg S and Aunt Aunt Val's and picked up Watson. Finally I stopped by Uncle Doug's again to say good-bye and then went back to Grandma and Grandpa's. I got to eat some of Grandma's yummy hamburgers. :-)

I made it back home about 6pm, no problems. Watson was glad to be back. :-)

This morning after church I made a delicious Sunday morning feast! I made hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon. And of course a cup of PG tips to go with it. Everything turned out great! It was so good! :-)

Today Rachel D. and I are going to see New Moon. :-D We are both excited! I got an awesome voicemail from Jessica on Friday.... She went to the midnight premiere and said it was great! The voicemail was awesome in the fact that it was rambly and very much Jessica and I could tell that she really liked the movie and at the same time, was really tired.

Tonight I have a bell choir performance at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. It should go really well... I play C and D on the treble staff. And sometimes C#.

I have my first concert of my teaching career on December 3rd! It is coming up really close! It will be kindergarten through 5th grade... In total, about 203 students. And we have about 2 class days left to practice for it. Ahhhhhh! :-O 5th grade band will be playing too. It will be nice when it is over... Then I can breathe...

Oh! OH OH! OH MY GOSH! DOCTOR WHO! The latest special, The Waters of Mars..... SO GOOD AND SO CREEPY!!!! I watched it at school after the school day was done because I didn't want to watch it at home by myself! Really, that special was really well done, I thought... But now there's only ONE left and he'll regenerate!!! :-( :-( :-( There will be much muchly much much fangirly tears. It's airing on BBC America in December... But I'll still be here in Sumner, and I would feel weird watching it at Jessica's house... Because I know I will cry and Jessica won't be there because she will be in China, and her parents would probably be weirded out.

This week is only a half week at school. I'm coming home to Clear Lake on Wednesday! :-D YAYAYAYAY! It will be fun!

Okay, I think that's a good enough update for now... I need to take some more phenylephrine. My ears are getting plugged up. And then I'm off to see New Moon! w00t! Go Team Edward! And if there is ANYONE around me on their cellphone, or reciting the movie as it's playing I will punch them in the face.

1 comment:

Apanda said...

Go Team Jacob! :P

Be glad you didn't go to the midnight showing. Every time Jacob came on, girls screamed... it was really, really, really annoying.

We should have a party for the DW DT finale! I would totally come down. And Ali might too I'm sure.