Thursday, July 09, 2009

An errant need...

So, while browsing Wikipedia... Because I randomly check it to see what the featured articles are... Today they had one about bowdlerized street names in England and how they used to reflect the type of work that went on in that area. (Baker Street, Threadneedle Street etc., although those are not the bowdlerized ones...) Our tour guide at the Globe Theatre touched on this subject, but it's hard to find anything specific online.

So through my reading of the Wikipedia article, I have come across these three books, which interest me greatly. Unfortunately, I do not have the funds to procure them... Maybe someday...

Discovering London Street Names, By John Wittich

The Street Names of England, By Adrian Room

A Dictionary of True Etymologies by Adrian Room

Without the City Wall: An Adventure in London Street Names, By Hector Bolitho and Derek Peel

Don't those books sound like they'd be right up my alley? (Haha! I couldn't resist!) Perfect for someone like me who loves random facts and trivia knowledge and knowing the origins of things...

I do already have a book, that I purchased while on my trip to England, about the origins on the names of the various tube stations in the London underground. That's cool too. But it's packed away at the moment... With all my other England stuff.

... I also need to invest in a good music dictionary...

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