Monday, November 19, 2007

Frustrating things...

I hate conducting more than any other class I have taken to date. I'm so tired of being told how terrible I am at it, and doing all the stupid busy-work that is incredibly irrelevant to actually LEARNING to conduct. I'm also tired of hearing the professor talking as if orchestra will be the only thing we'll ever conduct in our lives, and telling the band how we should play our instruments, when some of us have been playing them for almost ten years. And I don't care WHAT the professor says... Some of the "techniques" that she is having us learn I have NEVER seen. EVER. So I don't see why learning them is important.

It's getting really hard to "play the game" to try and make it through this class. I hate it so much! It feels like it's only a matter of time before I loose my temper. I just sit there and stew. I cannot wait for this semester to be over! (Have I mentioned that the professor looks like the crypt keeper?)

I'd rather take my IS 101 Code and Code Breaking class over. And that's saying something!

Oh, and evidentially my laptop is slowly dying. So I should start putting away money to buy a new computer as well. Great.

Off to Christmas with Wartburg rehearsal... :-P


Rachel said...

It's almost over! You're *almost* done with conducting one forever and ever amen!! And then you can make fun of me when it's my turn...which is slowly drawing closer...
Happy thoughts! And *happy hugs!* And yay for only one more of that class before break! =D

Isaac Mahomie said...

Blah, I hate jumping hoops for class. It's so dumb.
Take advantage of Thanksgiving Break, and then it'll be Christmas before you know it!