Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm a baaaaad bloggerrrrrrr!

Hello all! So I have a million things to do... But this little voice keeps nagging at me "blogbloglbog" and this is way past due... But it's really hard to sit and blog when I just want all the unpacking to be DONE! :-P At yet here I am... Haha!

So.... Well, I have interwebs now, so no more going to the library. I also have finally invested in an external hard drive, so soon, (hopefuly) no more slow computer! It's still finishing up backing up my system, even though I started it YESTERDAY morning at, like, 11. :-P

Teaching at Tripoli is going well. I'm learning and the kids are learning and there are days that are better than others. But that'll happen anywhere. Today the schedule was a little crazy because it was picture day. Today was one of those lessons that looked good/cool/fun on paper, but when implemented in the classroom just kind of wimped out. So now I'm thinking of what to change/improve on for tomorrow's kids. Today I had the school lunch and did not die. :-)

Also I have a cold. Saturday night, I thought it was allergies, so I took one of my last allergy meds and it got better. BUT it was back Sunday morning, so I took the LAST allergy med, but that had no effect... And by the end of church my nose was plugged. (And yes Rachel V. I have been taking vitamins and working on getting good sleep.) I've been drinking lots of fluids. (Amanda M. the Treasure Island mug makes one awesome cup of PG Tips!) Today when I got home from school (which was also interesting because the right side of my nose is all stuffed up, and my left ear is plugged.) I stopped at Sumner Pharmacy and bought both allergy meds AND pseudoephedrine-that-is-not-pseudoephedrine. So hopefully that will help.

I also stopped at the Sumner Gazette and subscribed to their paper, so I will get "happy mail" and not just bills.

Saturday I went shopping with Rachel D., which is when I bought my external hard-drive. I also bought some shelves, which I put together last night, all by myself! I felt very accomplished, since the instructions specifically said it was a TWO person job. Which is probably why it took me 3 hours, but, hey it's put together and in place, all ready for me to load it with books and other things! I also bought a trendy little filing box so I can stop using my dining room floor as my sorting/storage area.

Like I mentioned earlier, unpacking is going slowly but surely. I took a box of clothes to Trinkets and Togs on Saturday and I have a partially full box of various knick-knacks that will be heading that way too. I really wish I had a desk.. I should probably go garage-saling to see if I can find one.

The weekend before LAST Rachel D. came over and helped me paint my kitchen. We had a slumber party and unpacked/went through some of my stuff. We had a lot of fun looking at my old artwork from various ages... (Not just HS! Or even MS! We're talking 5-year-old masterpieces...) One of my favorite being a picture of a stick person with bumps all up and down each leg, and the caption reads "This is me, with lots of knees." It reminds me of this picture Stephen drew for me my freshman year. :-) I have that picture hanging on my fridge as I type. It makes me happy! :-)

OH! Oh, oh oh!!! I'm getting a CAT! :-D I'm really excited! A at that belongs to a friend of my mom's, who's deck I stained this summer, had a litter of kittens! She said I may have one! :-) They were born August 15th, so sometime in October they should be old enough to move to a new home. There's 3 kittens, two black and one cream/Siamese point. I'm hoping the Siamese is a girl, b/c that's the one I'd like. I'm trying to think of names, but so far nothing too exciting. I think it'll help to see the kitten... And not just 8 hours after it was born.

Um... what else... Oh, I am the assistant director for Tripoli's high school musical! We are doing Suessical and I am excited! It should be a lot of fun! The HS choir director (also a Wartburg Grad) is the director and we just finished casting it last week. I don't know when rehearsals start, but I'm really excited for this show!

Okay, is that a good enough update for now? LOL! Hopefully I'll be able to start updating on a more regular basis!

1 comment:

Apanda said...

Yay! I'm glad the cup has fulfilled it's destiny.