Friday, August 14, 2009

Moved out, moved in, 3 days until school!

Hello everyone! It's been 14 days since I last blogged, sorry... Things have been so crazy! I am in Clear Lake for the weekend, which is why I have internet access... I don't have anything hooked up at my house in Sumner! I'm also writing this on my parent's new HP desktop... Because I forgot the power cord for my laptop in Sumner. :-P

Well, like I said things have been so crazy these last two weeks! I am almost 100% moved over to Sumner. I just have a couple boxes that are too heavy for me to lift on my own and some knick-knacks around the house. I wish I could say that I am unpacked at my house, but alas, I am not. I've unpacked my clothes and my dishes... And that's about it. I also still need to finish painting the Kitchen--Everything else is done! Then I can start putting up pictures and posters! :-) Oh, and Christmas lights.

So I've had 2 official days of work put in as the new elementary music teacher at Tripoli. I've been working like mad all week trying to get my classroom in some order, since literally EVERYTHING was moved out when my room got new paint and new carpet. It looks really sharp! :-) There's been lots of sorting through instruments, putting away random versions of music-themed BINGO and decorating the room and bulletin boards. It's fun, but as always, I wish I had more time. I also need to work on lesson planning. I think one of the important things I've learned in the past two days of orientation/information/planning is that my job is Kindergarten through 5th grade General Music *AND* 5th grade band. I just thought it was k-4 general music, but the buildings are set up differently, so I get to do 5th grade general music too. :-)

I'm really excited for the whole thing. Nervous too, but excited. I've met a lot of really nice people at the school, and everyone I've talked to, including the elementary Principal and the Superintendent have been extremely helpful. I also have a really good mentor, who teaches 3 classrooms down from me. :-)

Okay, I am falling asleep at the computer... Sorry for being so short, but hopefully I'll post more tomorrow. I said I would take Daniel to work at 8am, and then I'm going to FINISH staining a deck.

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