Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wait, what?

Okay, so I was pretty sure that Christian Bale was in the STAR TREK movie....

But I guess I was mistaken.

Evidently he's in the new Terminator movie and I just got them confused.

You know you're a nerd when:

You see Christopher Eccleston in the trailer for the new GI Joe movie and you go:

"Hey! It's the Doctor! Yay!"

And then you see that Christopher Eccleston is the bad guy and is blowing up giant things like, the Eiffel Tower and you say:

"They need the Doctor. He would stop it. That just shouldn't be allowed to happen."

True story.

Tonight my brother Matthew had his graduation open house. I think it went really well.

I ate Target Cake, my favorite! :-D

And visited with lots of people and caught them up with what's going on in my life.... A bunch of times.

Everyone who reads this needs to go to Matthew's blog: The Power of Thought and tell him that spending his graduation money on video games is NOT A GOOD IDEA. Feel free to suggest more practical college-y things for him to purchase, keeping in mind that Buena Vista provides him with a laptop already.

Go. Do it now. :-)

Tomorrow at 8am I leave for Elkhart Indiana. My May Term class, Marching Band and Instrumental Repair, is going to tour several of the instrument factories in that area. It should be pretty awesome! I'm excited!

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