Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's finally Spring in Iowa, so of couse it snowed...

Happy Easter everyone! If you live in the Iowa area, I hope you are enjoying the snow! [/sarcasm] The robins have migrated back and are all hopping around like "Whaaa-at the crap is going on??? What is all this cold white stuff???" It's kind of funny.

I have written 2 out of 6 music history papers. I should really practice my flute. :-P But I haven't... I hate practicing at home.

My siblings are watching Charlton Heston's The Ten Commandments for the third time since last night.... *holds head* So much Moses......

Masterpiece Theatre is showing Emma is on PBS tonight! Yay!

Here are two photos from the day:

Easter Spoils... Plus breakfast, dad's computer and Mary reading the morning paper...

Pretty Easter Eggs!

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