Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Back!

Hello everyone! I'm back home from England! Did you miss me?

The trip was fantastic and I can't get over all the things I got to do and see and experience. I absolutely loved it. I hope those of you who kept up with the trip through the other blog (even though it's not finished yet) enjoyed reading about it. I would go back in a heartbeat. We were really spoiled the whole trip... It was sunny, I'd say about 80% of the time, and 15% was all variations of overcast weather and 5% was actual rain. How crazy was that? I loved it though. It was perfect. :-)

I did miss my friends though... I wish they could have come along too... Oh well... Next time!

Okay so I randomly discovered this website. How cool/confusing are those watches!? This one is my favorite. I kind of want one... Just to pretend that it's like a communicator watch or something...

While in England I saw the Lord of the Rings musical and I loved it! I bought the soundtrack and I haven't stopped listening to it. It is so beautiful! I'm really sad that the show is closing. :-(

I have a job for the summer! I will be making storm doors at a local factory, working 2nd shift, which is 3:30pm to 2 am. Not the absolute BEST hours, but better than working at McDonald's. But what is nice is it's only Monday through Thursday, and maybe SOME Fridays, which would be overtime, if they are busy. But no weekends! Yay! :-D I'm not quite sure how much I'll be making, yet, but I hope to start saving up for a car, since I absolutely NEED one this summer. I can't exactly walk to Hudson for my student teaching...

Jessica came over tonight when she got off of work. We went through my England pictures, and ate lasagna for dinner that my mom made. It was really good! After dinner Jessica wanted chocolate so we spent 45 minutes going through the boxes containing my college effects from moving out of my dorm, and alas. No chocolate bunny to be found. And I had two of them. I might have given them to my mom... I don't remember. However, I did find my Nalgene water bottle and my 2008 calendar.

I've decided not to do municipal band this year. It's a big time commitment that is often not very much fun. Plus concerts in the hot humid Iowa weather, and the long 4th of July concert... I miss sitting with my family and watching the fireworks. It'll be a nice break.

Part of Clear Lake is going to be dredged this summer. It's 6 ft at it's deepest and averages 3ft everywhere else. Keep in mind that this is measured from the top of the sludge, and not how far you sink to the bottom when you step into it. I'm really interested to know what they will find in the lake. Jessica said that they had a lawn chair get stuck in their boat's propeller once. I've heard rumors that there is a car down there... And I can't imagine how many anchors, bottles and wallets are down there. They are going to dredge it to 25 feet, which will be great!

I saw Prince Caspian and Indiana Jones when I got back to Wartburg, with Rachel D. It was really fun. I think the best part of Caspian was the Twilight Trailer at the beginning. I was bouncing up and down like crazy and shaking Rachel. It looks SO GOOD! AHHH! I love Twilight!

Okay, about the actual movies. Caspian was kind of lame. They changed it so much from the book, I was a little annoyed. They also didn't allow any of the new music to come through, and all I heard was the themes from the first movie. Also the vocal music at the end as the children return to England... WTF? That was super lame! Disney ruins everything.

As for Indiana Jones, I loved it! I found it very enjoyable in an adventure movie sort of way. :-) It did get kind of silly at the end... but still. It was cool and exciting and I loved the music too. John Williams is always spectacular.

Okay, I'm tired so that's all for now...

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