Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Don't expect this to be a regular thing...


I have to post because I am excited out of my mind for this trip and I feel bad talking to some people about it because they can't go, and that just makes them feel bad so I'm here on the internet for some text-based happy dancing!

I'm going to England for May Term!


I'm taking Wartburg's British Literary class, and we will travel all over England for 19 days seeing and doing stuff that deals with famous works of literature!

We start the trip off in London for 6 nights and visit the Tower of London, the Globe Theatre, Westminister Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Dr. Samuel Johnson's house, the Tate Museums, the Anchor Pub, Ye Old Cheshire Cheese, British Library, and the Museum of London. And we have a free day to ourselves.

Then we go to Bath for a night and visit Jane Austen's house, Stonehenge, and Tintern Abbey (which is actually in Wales.)

On our way to Stratford-upon-Avon we will swing through Oxford, take a walking tour of the place, visit Christ's Church College, and go punting.

We'll spend 2 nights in Stratford-upon-Avon, and visit Shakespeare's Birthplace and Anne Hathaway's cottage. We'll also visit the Holy Trinity Church and see a play by Shakespeare.

We'll stop in Lichfield and see Dr. Johnson's birthplace.

Next we will spend 2 nights in the Lake District and visit the Dove Cottage and the Wordsworth Museum. We'll also see Coniston Water, Brantwood, and go hiking.

On our way to Edinburgh, Scotland we will visit Burns' birthplace in Ayr.

We'll stay for 2 nights in Edinburgh and visit Edinburgh Castle, the Writer's Museum and hike up to Arthur's Seat. We'll also visit Abbotsford House.

On our way to Bradford we will visit the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.

We'll stay in Bradford a night and visit the Bronte Parsonage museum and go hiking in the moors.

Next comes Cambridge, and we'll be there for 2 nights. We'll go on a walking tour of Cambridge, visit Trinity College and do some more punting. We'll also get a tour of Cantebury Cathedral and Kings College.

We go back to London for the remaining 2 nights and get to see a Shakespeare play at the Globe, and have one last free day. The last night we will have a farewell dinner at the George Inn.

AHHHH! I've been mentally running in circles out of pure excitement for the past couple days! I had to post also because.... While I'm in London.... I will get to see:



Like.... This is like..... Unbelievably awesome! Like.... I don't know how to describe it!


I'm not gloating... and I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging... I just NEED an outlet for all my EXCITEMENT!

...Because I'm about ready to run a hole through the carpet.

For LotR Musical awesomeness check out this:

And all the other movie clips on YouTube. :-D

I'm also beyond excited for the two Shakespeare plays I get to see. I don't know which plays they are, but still. :-D I can't wait!

I am pretty much excited out of my MIND-- MY MIND, I TELL YOU-- for this trip!!!!

In other awesome news:

Saturday is my 21st Birthday


THIS GUY *points down* is coming to Wartburg in January. ROCK ON!

My future life is awesome.

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